Awareness Education Freedom Self Supporting

Charles Dickens Was Right!

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it […]

Awareness Education Living Free Scripture Self Governing Self Supporting Truth

Political and Spiritual Treason Mark Taylor, author of the popular book “The Trump Prophecies,” predicted Donald Trump would become President years before the 2016 Election.  Taylor made many other predictions and is now out with a dire and immediate warning for President Trump.  Taylor explains, “All of these spiritual advisors you see right now and the political advisors […]

Awareness Education Freedom Life Self Governing Self Supporting Technology Truth Technology

Engineered Life Expectancy

Catherine Austin Fitts is a brilliant lady we spent time with out of the country years ago and our conversations were excellent. Please take some time and listen to her knowledge and wisdom as she has much to offer. Always invest in people. The average person can’t fathom what is being gotten away with nor […]

Awareness Education Life Living Free Self Governing Self Supporting Truth

The Law

The ‘Trick’ is the law is summed up in three words; what is Just, Right & Proper? Who’s is it, who owns it and who made it? The owner makes all the rules and has all the power! It’s a simple trick. We make ourselves a new identity and fool everyone while we’re the one […]

Awareness Education Freedom Life Lifestyle Living Free Scripture Self Governing Self Supporting Truth

Own Nothing Control Everything

The following was quoted by a former Governor of the Bank of England (1020-1944). This quote is from page 72 of the book, “Imperialism in America”, by Mrs. Sarah E V Emery 1893. It was quoted by Montagu Norman, Governmor of the Bank of England, addressing the United States Bankers’ Association, NYC 1924. “Capital must […]

Awareness Education Finance Freedom Life Living Free Self Governing Self Supporting Truth

Go Woke & Go Broke

Water is fundamental to life, yet it’s also a scarce commodity. In many cases, greed and mismanagement are causing this life-giving essential to run dry. What happens when water is monetized? Francis August Schaeffer was an American evangelical theologian, philosopher, and Presbyterian pastor. He is best known for co-founding the L’Abri community in Switzerland with […]

Awareness Education Freedom Life Self Governing Self Supporting Truth

A Marketing Campaign

Optimism has always prevailed along with calling things that are not as though they were. That is Scripture just as “to live is Christ and to die is profit” and we all came to die with or without Jesus Christ as our Lord & Savior. Pray for those who live in godless fear without Christ […]

Awareness Education Finance Freedom Health Life Lifestyle Scripture Self Governing Self Supporting Technology Truth Truth Technology

Status & Standing

The Honorable Anna Von Reitz, David Straight and Eric Jon Phelps have dedicated their lives to truth and the freeing of all Americans. There is a vast difference between an American and a US Citizen and it’s imperative you know and understand the difference. That’s why correction of Status & Standing is necessary for every […]

Awareness Education Finance Freedom Living Free Self Governing Self Supporting Truth Technology

Land Patents

If you don’t own & control property, then you are property. Ron Gibson is the best at Land Patents. You may want to check out his books. If you want to bring your Land Patent Forward…\ Ron Gibson describes Land Patents, Part I Ron Gibson on Land Patents, Part II

Awareness Education Finance Freedom Preparedness Self Supporting Truth

Modern Money Mechanics

The Federal Reserve System is the greatest fraud ever committed in America and the world. Jekyll Island, Georgia, the year 1913 through the leadership of Senator Aldridge and the wealthiest bankers was where the Federal Reserve Act was created. Rothschild said: “I care not who makes the laws, only who controls the money.” Since 1913 […]