Awareness Education Freedom

“Age Of Easy Money”

After 9 years in six universities including a stint at Duke University, it was realizied that life was not as it appeared. The unfortunate souls who fought in wars were simply pawns of the Military Industrial Complex, to include the Captian, a highly decorated Navy SEAL. War Is a Racket is a speech and a 1935 […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“Today’s Administration”

Many family members are like this Border Official caring only for money & worldly attractions. They care little for family, parents or siblings living in a Godless, psychotic state of mind. All the while each of us are 1 heartbeat away from eternal judgement and where will it be spent? This border official typifies the […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“Cognative Warfare”

Welcome to the future of fully controling the human population by praying on and harvesting human energy. Everyone today is a victum of medical cognative warfare from cradle to grave. The slave masters have destroyed & controlled everything starting with fractional reserve banking. Welcome to the world of digital currency with Fed now with the […]

Awareness Education Finance Freedom

The Bankers Manifesto

“If the American people ever allow the banks to control issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers occupied.” Thomas Jefferson Here is […]

Awareness Education Freedom

The True American

Do you understand law which stands for land, air & water? Are you a citizen? Remember, slaves can’t own anything, not even ones own body. The wageslave is exactly that, a common slave, working from cradle to grave. As Pogo once said, I’ve met the enemy and he is us. Our enemy is ignorance and […]

Awareness Education Health


This video is about the powerful families of industry and banking who shaped the 21st century. The first segment about the Rockefeller’s and the Rockefeller Foundation is taken straight from my book, The Deep State Encyclopedia, which is now available for purchase (Release day March 7th)! A Century Ago: Rockefellers Funded Eugenics Initiative to Sterilize […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“Pain Is Coming”

The banking Crisis is to control you. Centralized banking which we’ve had for decades. Decentralization is mankind’s only hope. A few days ago the White House tweeted: “Our economy is moving in the right direction under President Biden’s leadership.” Does it feel that way to you? Or does it feel like the administration is moving […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“And We Know”

Have You Been Deprogramed? May this be an exceptional day to our Abba Father’s Glory. Without His favor, wisdom, guidance, mercy & protection, mankind is totally lost as evidenced by The Covid™ Agenda.  “In life there are the sheep who live in fear, and then there are the Lions…who capitalize on it.” Hunters become the hunted. […]

Awareness Education Health Life

‘Plants are trying to kill you!’

Dr Anthony Chaffee is an American medical doctor specialising in Neurosurgery who over a span of 20 years has researched the optimal nutritional habits for athletic performance and health. It is his assertion that most of the so-called chronic diseases that doctors treat these days are actually caused by the food we eat, or don’t […]

Awareness Education Finance Freedom

The Truth Is Out

While in Malta which is an archipelago in the central Mediterranean between Sicily and the North African coast time was spent listening to the honorable, gifted & intelligent, Jordan Maxwell. Dinner was enjoyed observing a knighting in the Knights of Malta castle with Jordan. Malta is a nation known for historic sites related to a […]