Awareness Education Freedom

“Illuminati Unmasked”

Study at your own risk. You alone can make a difference. Everything posted requires research and critical thinking which is greatly lacking due to much programming and fear of the truth. Only those truly led of Christ and his Holy Spirit relying on His wisdom alone can know and live the truth. Genuine Christians are […]

Awareness Education Freedom

Pfizer, Moderna, J & J: Will Grand Juries Recommend Criminal Charges?

The carnage from those experimental gene therapy injections continues.  It will NOT stop unless Americans demand their state attorney generals convene grand juries to investigate one of the greatest crimes against humanity ever. As someone who has written a gazillion words since early 2020 and spent countless hours doing research, the truth about those injections […]

Awareness Education

“The Truth Will Set You Free”

The Philosophy of the Matrix is understood by very few. Those who have bought into the vaxxed government school system have been deceived, thus buying into the Matrix and the complete mind-washing of the public. It’s always been about programming a compliant/obedient individual creating the properly controlled student designed for one purpose; the obedient wageslave […]

Awareness Education Freedom Health

“Socially Engineered Evil”

Nathan Reynolds escaped his Illuminati family to save his soul and his first born child. He has since dedicated his life to exposing the rulers of the darkness of this world. This is Part 1 & 2 of a story that should wake up the world. Understand the incentivized mass murder of children and the […]

Awareness Freedom Life

“Freedom Or Slavery”

The choice is entirely up to you as it is for each one of us so what are you doing about it? Only you can support freedom. Far too many serve Satan knowingly or unknowingly and this is sad because when we stand for Christ we have been promised to be the most persecuted people […]

Awareness Education Freedom


“Obama stated: ordinary men & women are too small minded to govern their own affairs. Order & progress can only come when individuals surrender their rights to an all powerful sovereign.” The masses live with the tooth-ferry version concerning life, while some expose the truth by speaking out loudly, constantly seeking those awake, willing to […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“The War You Don’t See”

The facts don’t matter nor does the truth which are both on Mars. Fear has always been the tool used to move the masses to their own destruction. It’s always easy to motivate the masses by scaring the hell out of them. When actions are taken out of fear or greed, the outcome is never […]

Awareness Education Freedom


Dr. David Martin is a speaker, author, business executive and inventor with a brilliant mind and a holy boldness with a clear mission. He has publications in law, medicine, engineering, finance and education. hosted a 2013 TED Talk presentation about finance, and played a starring role in the 2020 documentary “Plandemic: Indoctornation”, and has also […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“World War lll”

Dr. J. R. Church discusses the vision of the most famous Freemason leader in history, Albert Pike (1809-1891). Pike detailed his vision in a letter to European Freemason leader, Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-1872). The letter that Pike wrote to Mazzini, dated August 15, 1871 graphically outlined plans for three world wars to usher in the Luciferian […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“Israeli Issues”

A true leader does not tell you what to see but where to look. As free speech is systematically being shunned, banned, canceled & silenced we are witnessing the demise of Nations, especially in America. The libtards along with the rhinos christian pastors & politicians are severely failing America. Like government schools, government churches have […]