
“Are You Prepared”

David DuByne warns about food supply chain disruptions stemming from Crowdstrike IT apocalypse. As food prices continue to rise and degrade, the masses are severely unprepared. Please understand this is all carefully planned for the coming events as clearly described on the Georgia Guidestones over 40 years ago before demolition. Clean water & clean food […]


“Old World Order”

“History is a set of lies agreed upon” Napoleon Bonaparte The New World Order is a term used in several conspiracy theories which hypothesize a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. Fear has always been the great motivator causing the masses to comply, conform, obey, vaccinate, tax simply for extortion as the usual genecide continues as […]


“Slavesmithing Society”

As a child I recall receiving two vaccines at the young age of 3 causing a tonsillectomy at the age of 8. Tonsillectomies were big business back in the 50’s so the blood money folks offered a 2 for 1 allowing my younger brother to be cut. He had never been sick a day in […]


“Incredible Honor”

Until President Trump, politics has been a dirty business as many ticks suck the blood out of the people and prayerfully Trump & Vance with the support of the people, will stop the bleed. The American dream will & must return for not only America but the world. The monetary system must change along with […]


“The Shot Heard Around The World”

Chadd Wright, Navy SEAL shares how epic President Trump really is while exposing the woke, vaxxed, libtard sicko’s we that critically think are facing. Trump is the last hope for America. He stands for everythig the people need and want. Genecide Joe and his motley sic crew need to go away or awaken because they […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“President Trump Shot”

When will the woke, libtard, vaxxed, maskitesed diseased, sodomites, sex traffickers, lbqxyz, mind-washed be shut down? When will the real men of God take a stand & speak loudly? When will the corporate run state controlled church arise and awaken? When will the sheep stop funding their own demise as Rothschild once shared. Never, because […]

Awareness Education Freedom


Mass indoctrination has worked beautifully and millions continue the government school indoctrination program, as described by the great John Taylor Gatto, the most intellectual, decorated school teacher in NYC for 30 years. Read his excellent book: “Dumbing Us Down” and think if possible about it. Learn the art of thinking & if you were a […]

Awareness Education Finance

“The Trick”

“God has given you one face and you make yourself another” William Shakespeare “Confusion of Being” What would you think if I told you there are TWO OF YOU! One you ARE and the other you APPEAR AS. You would say that is impossible, and you would be right. You were born with a good brain, but it has been […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“Change Your Status”

We’ve all been deceived & mind-washed with a plethora of lies. Vaccines coupled with 12 years of mindwashed programming successfully did it’s job as evidenced by todays indoctrinated assets. Do you really want to stop living a lie? Truth will never be found or lived in lies. The masses live an illusionary life. Free your […]

Awareness Education Freedom

“Please Listen”

For those who care, they will share. As the genecide continues and food quality is clearly injected, defiled and most unhealthy; We The People, are slow to awaken and fewer are taking action as the vaxxed await the next injection with baited breath. The plandemics continue as the money roles in with this soft kill. […]