Awareness Education Freedom Lifestyle

“The Medical Rebel”

Few Christians are aware or concerned about the billion dollar sex trafficking industry which is happening in much of America. Very few doctors are bold enough to speak the truth concerning the Industrial Medical, Pharmaceutical Complex including their agenda of genecide effecting every family paying attention. Stop allowing your children to be educated by the […]

Awareness Education Freedom Lifestyle

“Rumors Of War & Famine”

You will live in your rented dog box eating bugs with 7 other people, while waiting for your social credit score tracking how much meat you are allowed each week & if you meet your individual climate goals. Maybe it’s time to move, leave, escape the woke living in Libtardville or not. Remember, the Georgia […]

Awareness Education Freedom Lifestyle

“Gene Editing Injections”

The only reason man was created was & is to serve the Lord Jesus Christ; none other. Sadly, most live and work for the material world void of how our Abba Father desires to care for each of us. Those called know this for fact. Are you called or are you living and working for […]

Awareness Freedom Lifestyle

“Prayer & Fasting”

Fasting is seldom taught in society today, much less in the church resulting in a sick society. The masses operate in fear trusting the allopath instead of the Lord Jesus Christ which is a curse. The allopath only understand the cut, burn, poison remedy as intensely taught in the practice of medicine. Pharmakeia is considered […]

Awareness Education Freedom Lifestyle

“Damascus Road Experience” 

The response of the redeemed is obedience. When God truly touches our hearts, our only response can be, “Lord, may your will be done and may you be forever glorified. Seldom are we privileged to meet those who have traveled the road to Damascus like brother Paul written about in Scripture. Living with a beautiful, intelligent, […]

Awareness Education Freedom Lifestyle Truth

“Hope For America”

From the founder of the Warrior Poet Society, a daring manual on how to become a dangerous—and good—man Find what is true & live starting with Jesus Christ. Stop being a limp wristed rhino Christian. Stand tall, speak loudly, unleash liberty & always support those who do otherwise may your chains rest lightly around your […]

Awareness Education Lifestyle

“The Children Of Satan”

The children of Satan are the children of darkness Archbishop warned about in his open letter to President Donald J Trump. Every abomination under the sun can be attributed to this bloodline, as direct line to you-know-who. Dustin Nemos joins me to discuss this horrifying information which explains a lot. See the research for yourself […]

Awareness Education Freedom Lifestyle

A Better Future

How will America rebuild after the collapse of this centralized system, Junk science, politics, corrupt medicine, big pharma, the CV19™ bioweapon and a Fiat monetary system? The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them. Whoever can supply […]

Awareness Education Freedom Lifestyle

“The Great Deception”

Please pay close attention to Max Igan. “Absolute Predestination” is absolute yet some still strive to awaken family & friends during the great culling, out of love of Father, Son & Holy Ghost. The vaccinated are under the spell so please speak for the little ones and the elderly. While children take money from the […]

Awareness Education Lifestyle Technology

Idiocracy Vs Surrogates

It’s hard to sue a corporation with a get out of jail card. Many have gotten themselves into a bad situation and they’re going to die. Over a million have died and there’s going to be many more due to the vaccine. Depending on the lot the injection was from there will be a variety […]