Awareness Education Life Truth

“Cancer Is A Fungus”

Cancer is a Fungus- A Revolution in Tumor Therapy by Dr. T. Simoncini published in 2007 is a scarce book on revolutionary cancer treatment.  This book is 245 pages in length.  “On the basis of the scientific considerations in this book which demonstrate that cancer is caused by fungal masses (of the Candida type), sodium bicarbonate […]

Awareness Education Freedom Life

“The Fallen Angels”

Lucifer, the fallen Angel, is a Biblical story that fascinates both Christian and unbeliever, but did you know Lucifer is here working on earth today so let me prove it to you! How Lucifer became Satan is a Christian Video by Joe Kirby from Off The Kirb Ministries. If you find Off The Kirb Ministries […]

Awareness Education Life

“Angles & Demons”

Demons, Evil Spirits & Angles are extremely real and those of true faith have dealt with both. Man is a trifold being of body, soul & spirit and the spirit is the least fed. In fact, the masses coddle the sodomite, LGBTQ demon possessed, thinking they can be freed from their possession. Of course, those […]

Awareness Education Freedom Health Life

“The Indoctrinated Brian”

Simply put, CV19™ is all about undermining the human ability to think. Those taking the mystery vaccine have lost all ability to critically think creating depression which is the number 1 disease today creating a class that follows the crowd. Why did the medical establishment push the Covid vax on the world when they knew […]

Awareness Education Freedom Health Life

“The War On Children”

“The War On Children” exposes the ongoing battle for control of the next generation and their minds. Until now, only pieces of this war have been exposed but this groundbreaking documentary puts ALL of the puzzle pieces together to reveal the full battle plan being used by the left to control the future.  To win […]

Awareness Education Freedom Health Life

“The Indoctrinated Brain”

Every family member has been infected by the covie narrative known as the CV19™ plandemic, promoted through fear of the unknown, which is the greatest motivator. The next plandemic will be much more damaging as this carefully planned genecide continues with the support of the vaxxed. Global war on the human brain throughout the world […]

Awareness Education Life

“Who Are The Elite”

Only for those who are students of Scripture & followers of Jesus the Christ. Those of the world number the walking dead. The normes like the masses clearly don’t understand the reality of eternity which is where we’re all headed. Life is but a vapor and we’re all one heart beat away from our transition. […]

Awareness Freedom Life

“Dublin In Flames”

What’s happening in Ireland will happen here, at scale. Steve Bannon explains. American political commentator, writer and broadcaster Tucker Carlson is committed to delivering the pure truth, free from the influence of corporate agendas and bias. This is not going away. Sheep desperately need to awaken. Where are the real men of America? Please wake […]

Awareness Freedom Life

“Freedom Or Slavery”

The choice is entirely up to you as it is for each one of us so what are you doing about it? Only you can support freedom. Far too many serve Satan knowingly or unknowingly and this is sad because when we stand for Christ we have been promised to be the most persecuted people […]

Awareness Freedom Life

“Weapons We Can’t See”

Eric with FireMedic8 Interviews Nathan Reynolds. Where do the Dragon cults come from and how do they operate today? Why do they have a need for human sacrifice, transformation and torment? The true nature of the world is beyond our imagination. Do you understand synthetic biology concerning threads that are in us that should not […]