Awareness Education Freedom

The Luciferian Insurrection

Happy New Year! We are at war!  It’s a savage campaign being waged against the hearts, minds, and souls of mankind, as laid out from Genesis to Revelation, and it is rapidly approaching its prophesied convergent zenith.  Standing on the front lines amid the fray of battle are the Redeemed sons and daughters in Jesus Christ! As […]

Awareness Education Freedom

Transhumanism & Genetic Drift

The coming posthuman apocalypse and the usurpation of Adam’s dominion on planet earth from a theological perspective is clear. Birthright is the preamble to the story of mankind. The offspring of Adam have forgotten who they are. Now faced with extinction at the hands of an alien adversary, it is time for them to remember. […]

Awareness Scripture

How Different?

Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin. All ism’s worship another god, not the true Christ. Jesus has ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God. Another Jesus always produces another gospel. Biblical salvation is by grace alone, through Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Many religious institutions […]


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Blessings to You and Yours during this special time of year for getting together with Family and Friends. Enjoy this short letter along with videos. Blessings to You and Yours in the Christmas Spirit of Christ-Mass, Love & Wondrous Joy. It’s been a wonderful year and a wonderful life, with few exceptions, and now in my […]

Awareness Education Freedom Lifestyle

A Better Future

How will America rebuild after the collapse of this centralized system, Junk science, politics, corrupt medicine, big pharma, the CV19™ bioweapon and a Fiat monetary system? The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them. Whoever can supply […]

Awareness Education Finance Life

Digital Idenity

The 2022 Christmas Holidays are here and few are prepared as money and food is scarce for many. The CV19™ who are injected traveling a very rocky road through naïve compliance in accord with the narrative. Remember, you will own nothing and be happy according to Klaus Schwab. Like those that bought the CV19™ narrative, […]

Awareness Education Freedom

Colonel Edward Mandell House

Colonel Edward Mandell House predicts the Creation of the STRAWMAN in the United States. He was an American diplomat, politician, and an adviser to President Woodrow Wilson.This is the first real evidence found that out current Social, Financial, and Legal system was deliberately designed to enslave humanity: In a private meeting with Woodrow Wilson (US […]

Awareness Finance

The Land Of Oz

Patriot Switch is dedicated to offering family-owned alternatives for items we buy and run out of our entire lives. There are many options available, and we are creating a patriot movement to take back our country and our economy. Join Us Today —… The hidden message behind The Wizard of Oz and what it […]

Awareness Education Freedom

Awaken America

Once again, Dr. David Martin is brilliantly exposing the Coup D’Etat & the steeling of America along with damaging, destroying and permanently altering the humanity of all mankind for profit & death. The government or Corporatocracy has clearly turned against the people in these racketeering crimes. Mankind is living in a system that no longer […]

Awareness Education Freedom

Enjoy The Show

Who paid the piper? Have y0u not been played? Do you know the truth? Who are you? Human mind capture, successful. Music is the weapon of choice. Keeping people distracted, MSM & CAA. The world is in a trance watching the train wreak in slow motion. Wake up! Enjoy the Show. New unseen clips from […]