Awareness Education Freedom Life Self Governing Technology Truth

Dropping From The Vax,-Empty-Hospitals-and-Tik-Tok-Nurses:8 Many folks I know and some personally are sharing how they’ve taken the covie vax and they say it with pride. The majority are medical doctors required to take the vax if they maintain their current profession. Personally, I would find another profession or correct status and standing and once corrected, continue the work. […]

Awareness Education Freedom Preparedness Self Governing Truth

Microsoft To Vaccines

Americans must awaken to the damage and death that is being injected into every living man, woman and child, mentally and physically. Today’s masked populous is being destroyed through this scamdemic as planned, according to the Georgia Guidestones erected many years ago down in South Georgia. Real pandemics don’t rely on faulty prediction models, biased […]

Awareness Education Freedom Health Life Lifestyle Scripture Technology Truth

A Shot In The Dark

The truth about vaccines. Please share so the world can wake up. They hide videos like these for a reason, they do not want you to know what vaccines are doing to your health and your children’s health. Please SHARE! This is bad however the covie kool-aid swab and vaccine is entering the world of […]

Awareness Education Freedom Health Truth

Covid, Lies, Vaccines & PCR Testing

Over the Holidays take time to awaken the sheep and don’t touch anything Bill Gates is involved in. It is said the vaccine is a Hydro Gel, Nano Tech, RFID Tagged cocktail that will wrap your DNA for later use; creating a new Transhuman for exploitation, control and use. Note, there will be a series […]

Awareness Freedom Truth

American Fabric

Attorney L. Lin Wood sits down for an exclusive interview with Joshua Philipp on the 2020 US presidential elections, the possibility of martial law, the Georgia Senate runoff, China’s infiltration of America, and why he fights for the truth. Over the Holidays consider what your part will be in supporting America. America needs more real […]

Awareness Education Freedom Health Truth

“It’s Just A Mask”

The herd mentality has endured quite a mind-washing and the story continues as the show magnifies in excitement. The more educated seem to be the real victims as their lives are changing through poor decisions. Pity the young and old more trusting simple minded. It appears the more highly educated are less critical thinking and […]

Awareness Education Freedom Lifestyle Living Free Scripture Truth

The Healthy American

“We’ll take the vaccine, just mail it to us. Our health and safety are simply too important to just show up in person. Just like mail in voting…safe, secure and honest. So just mail it to us and we’ll give ourselves the shot. We’ll send our paper work right back stating we’re all vaccinated. You […]

Awareness Education Freedom Health Life Scripture Truth

The Pilgrim’s Progress

Please SHARE if you enjoyed and were encouraged by this adaptation of John Bunyan’s classic allegory. “The Pilgrim’s Progress” is a musical adventure fit for the whole family. Visit to learn more about this movie. Shot as a labor of love with a budget of just $2500 and an entirely volunteer cast and crew, […]

Awareness Education Freedom

A Thousand Pieces John Fitzgerald Kennedy was famous for stating: his intent was to break the CIA into ‘A Thousand Pieces’ which ultimately got him killed. He had also printed United States Notes attempting to get rid of Federal Reserve Notes, however few were awake. JFK was the last real president America has had since President Donald […]

Awareness Education Freedom Health Life Truth Technology


My dear friends, this is amazing and it’s all in Scripture written around 2,000 years ago. Transhumanism is the future for the majority of society, often called the masses. Our job is simply to expose the fraud. Sit back and enjoy the show because those desiring the vaccine, any vaccine, will regret it unto death. […]