Awareness Education Freedom Health Life Truth Technology

Dr. Robert Young Graphene Oxide

Dr Robert Young discusses issues concerning the covid vaccines while doctors treat the symptoms and not the cause. There is no virus that causes sickness. Virus in Latin means poison. We’re not treating a virus. Listen to Canadian Rights Watch discuss Graphene Oxide with Dr Young: Del Bigtree discusses Graphene Oxide with Dr Young. […]

Awareness Education Freedom Truth

Twenty Facts About Vaccines

Doctor Vernon Coleman: 20 Facts Your Doctor “Forgot” To Tell You About Vaccines – “They’re Not Safe Nor Effective” Dr. Vernon Coleman is a prolific author.  His books have been translated into 25 languages and sell in over 50 countries.  He has also spoken out against the entire CONvid-1984 scamdemic.  This month, he reminded readers […]

Awareness Education Life Truth

The Vaccine Agenda

Dr. Christiane Northrup & Clay Clark return to SGTReport with the REAL news and quantifiable data that the Mainstream, Mockingbird, Whore Media refuse to share with the American people. Read, “Dissolving Illusions” by Dr. Suzanne Humphries, M.D. Not too long ago, lethal infections were feared in the Western world. Since that time, many countries have […]

Awareness Education Freedom Truth Technology

SGT Report

The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. Mass formation psychosis rules the day. Those injected will be ruled who have bought the narrative through manipulation. THE REAL HEROES TELL THE VAXX TRUTH — DR. SAM WHITE Dr. Sam White has been slandered, libeled and persecuted for telling the […]

Awareness Education Health

Deadly Vax Batches

Mass Formation Psychosis explains public compliance to all Vaccines, Masks & Lockdowns as the public is being gaslit. How bad is your batch? How many auto immune issues will you encounter before eventual death? Targeted Genocide & Deadly Vax Lot Numbers are now identifiable. If you or your loved one has taken the jab please […]

Awareness Education Health

Dr. Robert Malone

The government has outlawed the distribution of effective medicine to cure peeps with this mystery virus. This mass psychos can only improve if the peep/sheep awaken since this is all politically geared. We live in an environment where truth and consequences are fungible. The damage being done to children will dealt with for generations and […]

Awareness Education Freedom Truth


MAY 25, 2021DANNY BOY LIMERICK6 COMMENTS You Can Not “Catch A Virus”, Because It Is Impossible. Tim Barnett This is further proof that your oligarchical government, their corporate interests, Big Tech, politicians and their minions here in Ireland are lying through their teeth ! ! ! This video will clear up any questions or doubts […]

Awareness Education Freedom Life Scripture Truth

‘Newsmaker of the year’ Pastor Artur Pawlowski

Winners never quit and quitters never win. We’re in a new era where freedom truthers must take a stand. One of the leading faces against COVID tyranny in Canada, Pastor Artur Pawlowski joins Ezra Levant for a special in-depth conversation on the year that was. Described by Ezra Levant as Canada’s newsmaker of the year, Pastor […]

Awareness Education Life

Georgia Guidestones vs 10 Commandments

After the Rapture Event, only the Saints, 144,000, and those knowingly choosing evil will remain on Earth. Still, GOD’s patience and mercy goes beyond what we can fathom, for there will be a group of Humans currently in Lucifer’s camp who will flip their allegiance over to the one True GOD. But in order to […]

Awareness Education Freedom Self Governing

Pathology Report

It’s quite an experience to live in fear. That’s what it’s like to be a slave. It’s too bad millions won’t live but then again who does? The covid con is working so far. With Kerry Mullis, inventor of the PCR test, removed from the equation the psyop could continue, creating 500 new billionaires in […]