“Be Prepared” is the old Boy Scout Motto which we learned many years ago and it’s never too late to prepare for these interesting days ahead. It’s never too late to start…

“Be Prepared” is the old Boy Scout Motto which we learned many years ago and it’s never too late to prepare for these interesting days ahead. It’s never too late to start…
We’re in a battle to save our Republic between good and evil, the left and the right, freedom or slavery, life or death. The second amendment ensures freedom and justice for all. It’s time to employ critical thinking and cease being sheep so easily led. It appears some today have very few gray cells on […]
Prepare yourself for whats coming unless the current leadership does not stop the insanity by exposing the criminals behind the curtain of the covie kool-aid drinkers.
PLANDEMIC DOCUMENTARY: THE HIDDEN AGENDA BEHIND COVID-19 The Hidden Agenda behind Covie that everyone should understand because your life depends on it. https://www.bitchute.com/video/IB3ijQuLkkUr/
Out of Shadows is an exceptional video concerning programming of all society by big money. Enjoy. https://www.bitchute.com/video/C9wHYkChNVB2/
There are few men and fewer doctors willing to take a stand for the truth. Dr Buttar is one of those honorable men who fights for God & Country. Take some time and learn the truth because only truth sets free…John 8:32
Years ago we decided to start social distancing so we packed up and moved west to the mountains and installed a twenty foot electric gate on a half mile driveway leading up to the cabin. We cut running paths through the mountains, purchased four wheelers, dirt bike, chickens, ducks, dogs and cats for the children, […]
This is difficult to grasp just as Cognitive Dissonance is vast for most today. Scripture clearly states: “Man’s heart is wicked above all things, who can know it saith the Lord” Please understand, 8 million children go missing annually, that’s thousands daily; where do they go? Think about it and get busy! What will you […]