Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, an American-trained microbiologist now living in Germany, says the Covid-19 pandemic is a fraud because it is based on case and death statistics that are 99% false. He also says that mRNA vaccines are, not only loaded with poisons, they alter the natural immune system in such a way that it will greatly overreact when the victim is exposed later to almost any pathogen including the common flu. They will be attacked by their own immune system, a process known as autoimmune disorder. These attacks are more deadly than the disease itself. Dr. Bhakdi begs people not to take the vaccine, especially if they already have taken a first shot. If they do, he says, they will cause a decimation of the world’s population.
The New American: April 15, 2021
Dr. Lee Merritt, an Orthopedic Surgeon in Onawa, Iowa, is interviewed by Jeff Dornik and delivers an amazingly comprehensive overview of the motives behind the Covid-pandemic theater. First, she shows that there is no real pandemic and that the public-health practices being mandated are scientifically absurd. Then she reasons that, if obscene profits were the only motive for this crime, it would not be necessary to put so many exotic and toxic components into the vaccines. A simpler product could be sold at the same price with a greater profit margin. Therefore, there must be some additional purpose for the vaccines. She makes a compelling case that the end game is nothing less than human enslavement and massive depopulation – both of which are long-held ideals of those who direct the pharmaceutical cartel. 2021 April 21 – Source: Freedom One-on-One. Mask up on your way to becoming a slave prior death while supporting a Billion dollar Vaccine Industry.
The End Game & The Covid Con
Please awaken to Gates depopulation plan with his 666 Luciferian vaccines. Covid has a 99+% cure rate yet the naive public request a vaccine which does not exist. It’s a hydro gel, nano tech, RFID tagged injection of unknowns. Wake Up; it’s stupid fantastic, while the herd is being culled and the gene pool cleaned.