A Free Society is an Armed Society.
Freedom always trumps safety just as cowards are never free. True Americans stand for freedom. Slavery is always morally wrong. Give me liberty or give me death. It’s about preparedness just as selfdefense is your responsibility.
The politicians want to take away our guns again (“Battle lines form in gun debate,” Dec. 19). But they don’t realize why we were given the right to bear arms from the get go. It all goes back to that time in 1776 when we revolted against tyranny by the king of a foreign land.
Sure, we have guns to hunt with, to protect ourselves, our families and our property, and also for leisure. But that’s not why the Constitution grants us this right.
The right to bear arms and form militia is for one main reason: That if and when the politicians decide to trample and burn the Constitution and form their own dictatorship, we have the right to take back our government by force.
The reasons we have guns is so we never are held hostage again by foreign governments or dictators. Any law prohibiting access to fire arms is unconstitutional. A free society is an armed society.