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“Change Your Status”

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We’ve all been deceived & mind-washed with a plethora of lies. Vaccines coupled with 12 years of mindwashed programming successfully did it’s job as evidenced by todays indoctrinated assets. Do you really want to stop living a lie? Truth will never be found or lived in lies. The masses live an illusionary life. Free your mind now in Christ Jesus if His Truth is what you seek. Are you called, if so, make full proof knowing it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living God.

Did you volunteer to accept liability as and for the person? The masses always volunteer to accept the lability. In old age, most are sic and in debt barely able to live. The agenda is to keep them dumb via vaccines and public, private, homeschool fool systems. Remember, health is wealth which is not found among the white coat butchers. The cut, burn, poison, slash for cash industry is always about profits and forever will be.

Did You Volunteer?

Do you think there is such a thing as financial security? Do you understand the bank act and have you taught your children and why are we in so much debt? Things are not as they appear and many understand something is not right while the vaxxed woke remain in denial happy to do their daily job.

Level The Playing Field

You do not escape by fighting it or trying to change it, but by removing yourself from it. Come out of her my people by leaving wonderland. Land of make them believe. A person is a fictional being, wise as a serpent & harmless as a dove. The system is a waste of time which is your most valuable asset. If it is not of our Father God, it is dead. There is no room for God in a democracy because it’s all deception, just as fictions don’t exist.


Financial truth is educational and without financial truth, life is not winnable. The masses live in debt in order to buy back the fruits of their own labor which is impossible to accomplish. Person is a trap because you’re living as a token. Watch the Matrix and study everything Vic Beck has posted on Reclaim Your Securities. Remember; Be Prepared…

I Samuel 8:7ff. makes clear, first, that statism is a rejection of God, and the growth of statism power coincides with the decline of the true faith. Second, when men seek their security from the state rather than from God, they lose decurity and gain slavery. Third, men who will not be God’s servants become the state’s servants or slaves. Fourth, the day will come when they cry out in agony because of their bondage, but the Lord will not hear you in that day. 1 Samual 8:18, because it is the just reward for their apostasy.

Because God is sovereign, statism is first of all an attack on God’s overlordship. It is an offense against God and an attack on His sovereignty. Second, God has declared that He will avenge himself. Third, man must realize that statism is primarily directed against God and that its essential thrust is anti Christian. Man’s primary remedial measure must therefore be religious, although it cannot be exclusively so.

Who Made You?

The word sovereign means one who is above all. It is the supreme and highest power. The Christian defines the Sovereign Lord as unlimited, independent, with original authority.

For fallen man, sovereignty belongs to the state because the state is the source of law. Since the Christian can have no other gods Ex. 20:3, history is defined appropriately by Augustine as a conflict between the City of Man and the City of God. As in all conflicts, we must choose this day whom we will serve.

You Made A Graven Image

Governments always have jurisdiction over persons. It is impossible to own property in a legal system or debt and truth means nothing.

John 8:32

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