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“Please Listen”

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For those who care, they will share. As the genecide continues and food quality is clearly injected, defiled and most unhealthy; We The People, are slow to awaken and fewer are taking action as the vaxxed await the next injection with baited breath. The plandemics continue as the money roles in with this soft kill. This is the greatest money maker ever seen. Are you financially invested for a lifetime of benefits.

As our youth are being systematically indoctrinated America is loosing it’s standing in the world of power and commerce. Our youth along with our military is being vaxxed into oblivion where the ability to critically think is forever gone. This genecide has been planned for decades if not centuries going back to the god of this world. It appears Lucifer is winning as the church is a dismal failure, just as the limpwristed broke-back stand tall.

Trouble Ahead

The military, medical, pharmaceutical, financial, political, educational industrial complex continues to rule, control and run the Corporatocracy of the once great United States.

So much for, We The People, or is it we the woke, vaxxed, libtard, limpwristed, broke-back, weak minded, genocidal behaving sheeple…

Wake Up

President Trump is the only real leader in the world today with the backbone, intelligence and fortitude to stand for We The People. The pitiful souls supporting the left must be left behind and thanks to CV19™ they will be. The vaxxed woke are continuing to support their own demise willingly & freely while waiting on the next booster…

Publish Date: 1892

John 8:32

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