
“The Shot Heard Around The World”

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Chadd Wright, Navy SEAL shares how epic President Trump really is while exposing the woke, vaxxed, libtard sicko’s we that critically think are facing. Trump is the last hope for America. He stands for everythig the people need and want. Genecide Joe and his motley sic crew need to go away or awaken because they are destroying America.

There is no excuse for what the law was responsible for in their inability to protect President Trump. If I, the son of a Captain with the SEAL Teams did not have the responsibly of taking care of a family of 7, I would be working with President Trump today.

However, my responsibility to God & Country placing family first is my number one priority including a CV19™ vaxxed mother in law with a series of medical problems along with in-laws who have seized her Trust for their own gain as clearly stated by my sister in law.

We’re into the 4th year and have never seen one penny from her Trust regarding her care or the addition promised for her comfort. Her family has never visited in 4 years, placing more importance on her money than her life, yet they spent $600,000 renovating their swimming pool. You can imagine their house in their gated community at Camelback mountain. Enough said.

President Trump

Teamsters Union President Sean O’Brien speaks to the RNC, praising former President Trump and GOP Senators including Sen. JD Vance

President Trump Strong

Erik Prince is an American businessman and former U.S. Navy SEAL, best known for founding Blackwater USA, a private military company that provided security services during the Iraq War. Under his leadership, Blackwater became one of the largest private security firms in the world, providing crucial support to U.S. government operations.

Eric Prince

The Conservative Twins offer no excuses for what happened or what happened to JFK.

Secret Service?

Here is a song written and published in 2 short hours by someone an old friend sent that everyone needs to listen to and understand.

About President Trump

Time to awaken the real men of God who probably don’t attend the corporate run, state controlled 501(c)3 church. The woke are not only misguided, they are evil. Freedom is not Free…

John 8:32

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