Fall to your knees and thank Father God Trump is leading the charge for the future of America and world dominance. AI is the future and those unprepared will be a victim as this genecide continues through the leading of Lucifer whom far too many follow. AI will be used for both good & bad depending on who’s hands control the future.
We the people must awaken and be led by our Abba Father while those without keen relations will continue to be led by the god of this world found in most lukewarm churches worldwide where most comply with the beast system out of fear. Most are led by fear totally unaware they could be free.
Listen intently and carefully to this talk by Zach Vorhies and Mike Adams unveil AI breakthroughs & secrets and warnings for 2025 and beyond. All of life hinges on education starting with Jesus Christ & His Word Written. The beast system indoctrinates which is found in the public, private, homeschool fool system void of all true education. The beast system destroys all critical creative thinking by design teaching little of relevance while creating obedient compliant citizens known as subjects for the use of the system.
All true education centers around Scripture, Law, Money, Life, Liberty, Property & the Pursuit of Freedom. This means doing what Father God through the Lordship of Jesus Christ called each to accomplish in this very temporal life in light of all eternity.
Now get on with life & stop volunteering for death by departing from the highway to hell and the land of indoctrination, fear and compliance through conformity. Count the cost and pay it fully to our Abba Father’s Glory, making full proof of your ministry…
In His Service
John 8:32