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Many have been silenced, shunned, cursed, banned, jailed and murdered for speaking out while exposing truth, along with His Truth.

The masses remain silent while those caring enough to speak truth simply sit back and watch while saying, I told you so. Most stay in Pharaoh’s brick yard where they think they are safe working for money, pay and job. Christians are no exception even though America was found on the shed blood of brave men & women. Evil prevails as long as the masses comply. Don’t comply and please stop funding the demise of Society because integrity has left the building.

Covid is a genocide! Covid is a biological weapon created at the University at Chapel Hill, North Carolina. This technology alters what it means to be human. There are 64 registered toxins & pathogens currently in development just like SARS Coronavirus. Most doctors are prostitutes and most people live under a rock easily controlled by fear porn.

Everyone must figure out a way to navigate ones own life because the way some of us see the world is not like everyone else.

Is there a Virus? DNA is a construct so we build models on a model. GMO foods causes a vast number of gut problems. The gut is the second brain. Everything being done is to kill people through human experimentation creating a variety of vaccines starting with newborns & the military. People are being genetically modified.

The WHO is all about population control & elimination reducing the world population by 7 Billion. Extermination is the key using superbugs & vaccines and all created through toxins & neurotoxins. It is a weapons program and what’s coming will be accidentally or intentionally released by the defense department. It’s all about fear porn in accord with the script and it’s illegal to investigate them while they are killing newborns, children & adults and it’s all done with vaccines a Trillion Dollar Industry.

The world view is lover our standards or get rid of people. The common people must be eliminated who really want to live life. The masses are not interested in Jets and Islands.

There is more than enough to go around yet the elite don’t wish it so. Covid is the evidence of a world population needing to be reduced. We all have a use by date and it’s all about fully living life. We are called to be alarm clocks in a world of sleepers so be inspirational and live life to the fullest. Be a better version of humanity and stay out of and away from fear.

We have a better story however we must tell it and those that know must speak loudly and simply tell the story to our Abba Father’s Glory. The media (MSM) always creates the hype and investors will respond if the profit margins are high enough. Welcome the CV19™ Vaccine and the many more on the way through many mandates for the corporate fiction, the US Citizen, a numbered fiction known as a corporation.

Understand and correct your corporate status, correctly establishing your status & standing, while rebutting all presumptions. More importantly, this must be done mentally and publicly. Learn how to enforce one’s rights otherwise there are only privileges which are easily manipulated by most agencies.

All viruses, resulting in vaccines, are poised for human emergence, produced in labs around the world where people are blackmailed and bought according to profit & control. Like Climate Change and overpopulation which are often talked about lies. Weather manipulation, GMO Food, Chemical loaded H2O & Chemtrails are the real issue. Killing people under 40 while minning for lithium batteries for your Tesla is criminal. Truth does not need a defense nor does fear.

Most doctors are prostitutes because they stopped being physicians becoming prescribers. for big pharma. Pharmaciticutials are #1 in killing people starting with newborns. Todays national health care system is a cut, burn, poison profession making sure they use pharmaceutical drugs in a blood money industry.

Truthers are known a black sheep and I’ve been a black sheep as long as there have been sheep. How about you? Are you a leader or a leaner? Like Churchhill said; there are 10,000 hacking at branches to the one cutting the root.

The day the knee is bent to Pharma is the day one dies…

In His Service

John 8:32

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