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President Trump attends the International Church

Home » Awareness » President Trump attends the International Church

President Trump attends the International Church of Las Vegas service in Nevada #PresidentTrump #Trump #2020election

Having been privileged to spend over 30 years worldwide in full time ministry, it is extremely impressive to see the President attending a Full Gospel Church. This is not the actions of a politician and this is good.

Granted, the corporate run church designed for the corporate US Citizen is somewhat apostate. Many are awakening to the Lordship of Jesus Christ which is the only way America can survive. The more blessed are becoming aware and taking a stand.

America will always be in a battle between good and evil which will never cease. It’s time for good men and women to take a stand. Will you stand for truth, integrity, justice and support of Life, Liberty, Property & the Pursuit of Happiness which is what we stand for?

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