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Situation Update, June 14th, 2021 – The DISTURBING psychology behind the global vaccine SUICIDE CULT

War against America daily continues to develop within and without. Daily we meet good folks who admit they have taken the Covid Injection thinking they’ve done a good thing for their health. It’s heartbreaking to hear how they clearly put their trust in the power brokers of the world. Weekly, we hear how family members have suddenly taken ill and died due to these injections.

Honorable men like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. continue to sound the alarm over genocidal crimes of Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates which you may want to listen too.

“The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health” by Robert F Kennedy

Americabiological warfareCCPchaosChinaCollapsecovid-19cruise missilescyber warEMP weaponsFauciinvasion usaJoe BidenJR Nyquistnational defensenuclear weaponsPentagonpower gridpreppingRussiasurvivalvirologyWhite House

Image: Geopolitics expert warns China preparing for TOTAL WAR against the United States in “a matter of months” … cyber attacks, bioweapons, kinetic and NUCLEAR strikes all on the table

(Natural News) Today’s Situation Update podcast (see below) focuses on what I learned from JR Nyquist in a horrifying interview conducted yesterday (also posted below, separately).

JR Nyquist’s website is and everything there is worth reading.

Nyquist is a high-IQ researcher who has interviewed dissidents and whistleblowers from Chinese and former Soviet regimes, and he studies internal documents of these regimes to understand their geopolitical strategies and goals.

Nyquist warns that the long-term plan has always been for China to invade and conquer the continental United States by launching attacks from Mexico, while Russia plans to attack and take Alaska, then proceed to conquer Canada, which won’t be difficult since Canada has disarmed all its own citizens with fascist gun control initiatives.

What has changed recently in all this, however, is that China has sharply accelerated its timetable of attacking America due to emerging revelations about the origins of the covid-19 biological weapon, which was developed under the supervision of the communist Chinese military.

China now knows it must attack and attempt to destroy America before these investigations show China deliberately built the bioweapon after infiltrating the NIH, Pentagon, Universities and scientific establishment in America to funnel taxpayer dollars into the Wuhan virology gain-of-function research projects. (Which also involved a transfer of intellectual property from U.S. universities to China.)

Accordingly, China is preparing a multi-faceted assault on America that JR Nyquist warns may be “months away,” not years. That attack, if it is not stopped in time, is likely to consist of:

  • Cyber warfare attacks on the US power grid, pipelines and food production infrastructure targets.
  • Nuclear weapons attacks on military installations.
  • EMP attacks on the power grid to plunge America into darkness and chaos.
  • Renewed bioweapons attacks using high-fatality strains of super bioweapons that China has already developed.
  • Lastly, kinetic attacks with invading troops and occupying forces, with China initiating its attacks along the U.S. / Mexico border and moving northward.

The JR Nyquist interview is shown here, with my Situation Update podcast analysis below. Be sure you are sitting down before you hear this information, and it may cause sleeplessness:

Here’s the full Situation Update podcast with further analysis of China’s total war against America:

Find a new podcast each day at:

Today, with the COVID19 experimental vaccines being blamed for over one million adverse reactions, we can be sure this story is another ticking time bomb in government failure.

The DOD is hard at work while most Americans are fast asleep and totally unaware. We are in a new cold war and the system is up and running. The naive simple uninformed public is the target and those unaware will soon be eliminated.

Whistleblowers on Remote Neural Monitoring, Neuro Weapons, Directed Energy Weapons, Mind Control… The Brain is the 21st Century Battlefield.

“The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health Children’s Health Defense” by Robert F Kennedy

When the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since November 1984 and the leading architect of “agency capture”—the corporate seizure of America’s public health agencies by the pharmaceutical industry—happen to be the same man, conflicts of interest arise. Wearing both hats, Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci, tasked with managing the COVID-19 pandemic in the US, peddled and back-pedaled his prescriptions as Pharma profits and bureaucratic powers grew and public health waned. 
Working in tandem with his long-term partner, billionaire Bill Gates, to corral Americans toward a single vaccine solution to COVID, Dr. Fauci committed zero dollars to studying or promoting early treatment with various drug combinations that could dramatically reduce deaths and hospitalizations. Meanwhile, in an assault on our First Amendment guarantee of free speech, Dr. Fauci’s Silicon Valley and media allies dutifully censored criticism of his policies on mainstream social media and collaborated to muzzle any medical information about therapies and treatments that might end the pandemic and compete with vaccines. 
After effectively abolishing the First Amendment right to free speech, Dr. Fauci subverted our Seventh Amendment rights to jury trials by arranging to shield reckless and negligent pharmaceutical corporations from liability for injuries from any COVID countermeasures, including vaccines. His lockdowns targeted First Amendment religious freedom by closing churches—while keeping liquor stores open as “essential businesses”—and abolishing century-old religious exemptions to vaccination. Dr. Fauci’s enforced quarantine trampled the Constitutional rights of assembly, of association, and to petition the government, and our Fifth Amendment protection against uncompensated taking of private property. His arbitrary mask and lockdown diktats, without public hearings or rulemaking, strangled our Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment due process guarantees. His tracking and tracing initiatives bulldozed Constitutional rights to privacy and travel, and our Fourth Amendment protections against warrantless searches and seizures.
Finally, readers will see how Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates, asserting biosecurity rationales, worked together to finance and promote the very gain-of-function experiments in Wuhan that may have released the COVID-19 pathogen.

There is no such thing as a socialist democrat just as democrats can’t be Christian just as communism is on the march in America and society needs to awaken. Hitler & Stalin would be proud of America today. Nihilism is the root of the revolution of the modern age…

Robert F Kennedy, Jr ask; did you know this about Vaccines? CDC says 1 in 5 children will develop cancer today and it’s from Vaccines; Really, and parents continue this Genocide with Vaccines.

Those that can think must live through this stuff:


It is official. The United States Senate announced: ‘Corona is a lie’! The media is covering up the truth. Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Media, the WHO and other traitors will be all held accountable. Share if you care!

The Truth must be Known. Pharmacist tells vaccine horror stories. CVS Pharmacy pays $6500 a week to Euthanize everyone.

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