Now for a dose of weekend reality for the woke, vaxxed, libtard, clueless, lost, godless, confused, lonely soul still wondering what happened on the way to the Life Is Good store. Gutfeld tells it all, nothing but the truth and only the truth. Trump has fought hard to save the day & the country, now it’s up to those still able to critically think to take their place and Speak Loudly!
Truly it is saddening that the lost left still don’t get it nor do they get what Life, Liberty, Property & the pursuit of Happiness really means. Maybe it’s because they don’t have any property or life, therefore no happiness. It would appear they don’t care about freedom nor are they willing to defend freedom. If they don’t understand the cost of freedom how can they pay for it. Not to worry, Greg Gutfeld will fully explain the situation to the lefty losers known as the Bush, Clinton, Obama, Biden, Harris, Limpwristed, Brokeback, lost souls.
Gutfeld explains it all. This picture of Joe Dementia was priceless so it was removed. Go figure! Welcome to the world of AI!
Nothing personal but it is time to awaken to reality, take a position, seek wisdom and speak loudly because your life depends on it.
Can you believe the libtards actually vote for this kind of Biden/Harris dementia. Some even placed Harris signs in their yard broadcasting a clear level of intelligent lack of awareness, desiring that the world know where they stand and who they are?
Trump has done more in 4 days than the Biden/Harris regime has done in 4 painfully insane years. Talking about destroying not only America but the world as Satan continues to rule, infect, control & destroy so many lost lives.
Change is very good and way overdue. Thank the good Lord for Truth being exposed. The hour is late.
Wakee, wakee…
This is a grand example of a very confused woke pretending to be godly in support of the moronic libtard, possessed, LBGT Sodomite, Limpwristed, Brokeback christian, et al.
Note: 100 years ago we only had “The Food Administration”, headed by Herbert Hoover. Isn’t it ironic that someone decided to couple it with the drug industry to create the FDA. I suppose we needed to keep all of the poisons in one department. We should just add the CDC to this department & rename it “US Agency For Licensing Poisons” and make Bill Gates or Fauci the Director.
In His Service
John 8:32