Freedom is not Free; it must be fought for and unfortunately the woke vaxxed libtards are fighting for total enslavement and death, totally unaware of the genecide, along with most limpwristed, Brokeback wanta be christians afraid to speak up or speak loudly.
Few today seem to know the truth much less His Truth. Most hide behind Christ attending their social clubs weekly desiring to feel better while buying the lies of the covid genecide out of fear for life, job and money.
As the genecide continues with 74 more variants many will volunteer for the bioweapon and the shedding of the so called virus which has never been identified. Kary Mullis said the PCR test is worthless resulting in his untimely death shortly after the public declaration.
The woke will cry for the H5N1 injection along with vaxing their newborns while naively supporting longterm medical effects. Physicians are gone leaving only prescribers as trained in the Rockefeller Medical Institutions.
For true warriors, Christ said since they persecuted me how much more will they persecute you that stand and Speak Truth Loudly.
It’s been 9 years since Obama and James B. Comey murdered this man similar to Janet Reno, serving under Bill Clinton, who murdered all the Waco folks, along with anyone opposing the Clintons. The Bush’s were no better, like the Obama’s, Biden’s, et al.
We have learned from experience that MSM is never friendly to truth or common sense as experienced by President Trump. We have seen too many stories that distort or completely twist the facts, totally avoiding & destroying the truth.
Satan rules the world and the left, dark, deep state did their best to assassinate Trump. Now the critical thinkers must get fully involved. With AI which will be used for good or bad, it’s up to everyone to pay close attention.
No one would ever assassinate Biden, Obama or Clinton because their are many more that could easily take their place and they did a great job at destroying and enslaving the entire world which is the Satanic agenda. Never forget Satan’s agenda for enslavement and death.
Our family will bring you updates about what is happening in the courtroom as well as the truth behind the headlines. Please sign-up for our newsletter and share it with your friends. It is a battle that can only be won, one heart and mind at a time as our Father God allows alone to His Glory…
In His Service
John 8:32