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Fear Is A Tool

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The USDA, like many federal agencies, is deeply invested in the business of extermination. CV-19 is a prime example of how easily fear is used concerning lockdowns, maskitis and vaccines. Why use monkeys for testing vaccines when people willingly volunteer. Monkeys move to the back of their cage while people demand their next vaccine. Monkeys are smarter than people.

Lockdowns prove ‘Billions’ will comply with a fear narrative. Intelligence is now measured by how quickly one identifies and rejects propaganda promoted by government corporations, medical cartels, politicians, ect. The gullible believe corporate leaders because it’s socially acceptable & polite. If you’ve taken the vaccines you have failed the IQ test and you are among those being culled.

Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF) has declared that COVID-19 pandemic-related lockdowns have proved that “billions of citizens across the world” would comply with global restrictions on freedoms for the sake of “climate change.”

In an article published by the WEF, the organization lauds how “billions” of people complied with Covid “restrictions,” arguing that they would do the same under the guise of reducing carbon emissions.

Titled “My Carbon: An approach for inclusive and sustainable cities,” the article suggests that the same fear tactics could be used to impose further “restrictions” on the general public.

The subject of the piece is how to convince people to adopt “personal carbon allowance programs.”

The WEF laments that such schemes have so far been largely unsuccessful.

However, Schwab’s group notes that improvements in tracking and surveillance technology are helping to overcome “political resistance” against such programs.

“COVID-19 was the test of social responsibility,” the article notes.

It continues by commending how “a huge number of unimaginable restrictions for public health were adopted by billions of citizens across the world.”

“There were numerous examples globally of maintaining social distancing, wearing masks, mass vaccinations and acceptance of contact-tracing applications for public health, which demonstrated the core of individual social responsibility,” the WEF adds.

When a newborn baby is born parents demand all 75 vaccines causing close to 1 million deaths annually along with serious longterm medical effects. The fear factor is an excellent method for motivating the average human both educated & uneducated.

The Eugenist Luciferian Gates stopped Trump from investigating vaccines. He barely passes as a human just as his wife won’t have anything to do with him and peeps continue drinking the vaccine kool-aid. The naïveté of Americans is chartless. The good news is 91% of the libtard, woke, took the vaccine.

Health Freedom Movement and controlled opposition ~ Interview Dr David Martin

Health Freedom Movement and Controlled Opposition

Quote: “On today’s Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr. Jane discusses how the Covid 19 scam is a criminal project directed at converting the United States into a controllable digital monetary system designed to end personal freedoms and she looks at the aspects of international racketeering, that has weakened economies, blown up inflation, pounded middle class and resulted in the execution of a mass genocide through an American bioterrorism program and then for the way forward, a two part discussion with Dr. David Martin – his legal project at ProsecuteNow and some exciting events on the horizon…that the bad guys might not like. This is the Dr Jane Ruby Show and you’re about to enter truth in medicine. Learn how you can protect your retirement savings with GOLDCO: Be happy, eat paleo. Indulge, but stay healthy, check out Earth Echo Foods: Trouble sleeping? Stressful world overcoming you? Try Magnesium Breakthrough: (Promo Code: Ruby for up to 66% off) (Promo Code: Ruby) Make Air Great Again: (Promo Code: Ruby) Be sure to subscribe to Stew Peters Premium to watch the full Dr. Jane Ruby Show, weekdays every Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 7pm ET Go Ad-Free, Get Exclusive Content, Become a Premium user: “

5G a weapon system – Don’t be fooled by the fake narrative ~ The agenda – They are destroying human kind ~ 60GHz in schools – Lena Pu and Mark Steele interview ~ 5G is target acquiring weapon system – This is not for control but an extermination technology ~ UK Government hacked ~ Report #133: David Noakes on GcMAF cancer treatments, FDA/MHRA/Pharma corruption, & wrongful charges ~ BitChute { noakes falconscafe } ~ The disciples of Ra: The deception of “medicine”, viruses & vaccines ~ Viruses don’t exist ~ If you don’t know what causes what they call a virus you will never know unless you read the science ~ Assembling the kill grid ~ Excerpt: Mark Steele ~ Prof. Francis Boyle “The British must not take these frankenshots”! Interview ~ The MAC phenomenon in people “vaccinated” from COVID-19 ~ Video summary of La Quinta Columna that shows evidence of genocide based on injectable analysis

Illegal organ trafficking of homeless people in Texas? Same thing happened during Hurricane Katrina ~ Homeless vet killing society ~ NATO satanism, testimony, Kay Griggs: Colonel’s wife tell-all, oppression, deception, secret society ~ Horus matrix at Normandy Omaha Beach Overlord D-Day 666 Cemetery satanic ritual sacrifice ~ The cover up continues – Share this with all vaccinated, who have been lied to by their doctors ~ Whistleblower: Hospitals killing for organs, “This is absolutely evil and a crime against humanity!” ~ The world must know #PureEvil #HellOnEarth ~ Bombshell: Pfizer vaccine study’s massive list of “Adverse events of interest”

Did he just say snake venom? – Dr Bryan Ardis talks to Right Now ~ World premiere: Watch the Water ~ Part 1/3 – Dr. Bryan Ardis reveals bombshell origins of COVID, mRNA vaccines and treatments ~ Biological weapons; Is there a link between the water supply system and the pandemic? ~ Professor Darrel Hamamoto on persecution and inquisition at UC Davis ~ The China-NHS lateral flow test, massive fraud, for those that lost work.. or murdered on COVID ward ~ COVID-19 test fraud, also carcinogenic ~ Your future The SPARS pandemic 2025 – 2028

Snuff Hill ~ Blood Hill ~ Fitzwilliam military cult ~ Troy River ~ Tent City ~ 18 Brickyard Troy Depot, Troy School, Cemetery, Discount Tire, satanic stalking, ritual sacrifice ~ Bohemian Grove Jr, Bridgewater Associates – CIA corporate front, CIA role in snuff and pornography ~ Hebron Coven ~ Part 1 to 4 of 9 ~ Body Organs Of Over 18,000 Syrian Children Sold in Six Years ~ I saw kids in cages outside a masonic lodge being loaded into trucks ~ Amazon USB key – Part 1 to 2 – CYM Adrenochrome

The men on the moon ~ Moon truth ~ 7 rockets hit dome ! ~ Who shot the moon landing, classroom bloopers

Oil is abundant and cheap

Newsbreak 135–Breaking: Immense harm from crystallizing blood cells/graphene poisoning post-vaccine ~ BitChute search { dr young falconscafe Newest First } ~ Dr Robert Young

Covid Vaccine Scientific Proof Lethal Source: Get this shared all over – Action time is now Here is the science link, the crime ref# is 6029679/21

The final refutal of virology ~ The truth about rabies, tobacco mosaic virus, graphene, and 2nd phase of control experiments results ~ AIDS is a hoax! Biologist Christl Meyer explodes the HIV-AIDS conspiracy

Lee Garrett court case, no case no answer, COVID cover up Nightingale Hospital / Vax centre, lies ~ They are chipping and tracking people with 5G so they can be attacked once they get the kill shot ~ The 5G Vaccine Centre at Sunderland Nightingale Hospital – Court proceedings explained ~ Lee Garrett

Streetlight weaponization 5G LED toxic ecocide – Lots of people asking for this banned video ~ Gateshead mass murder – 5G kill grid installed – sore eyes bleeding eyes nose etc.

Mark Steele ~ Chat on The global speaker, topics 5G, so-called vaccines, related, 21st December 2021

Suisse Secrets ~ Ukraine war: Made in Switzerland ~ CORONAGATE | Part 01 | Documentary ~ CORONAGATE | Part 02 | Documentary ~ Bobby Fischer, last interview. Tells the truth and nothing but the truth

Dr. David Martin | Exposing the coup d’etat & the plot to steal America ~ Live: Dr. David Martin explosive COVID analysis: Best of 2021 most viral moments and interviews! ~ DAVID E. MARTIN – Exposing Moderna; the Star of Plandemic: Indoctornation Reveals the Truth ~ Dr. David Martin speech at Wise Traditions Conference ~ November 5th 2021 ~ Dr. David Martin: COVID treasonous acts ~ Published November 4th 2021 ~ Google { david martin exposes names faces }

Expert Report – Fifth Generation (5G) Directed Energy Radiation Emissions in the context of Nanometal-contaminated Vaccines that include Covid-19 with Graphite Ferrous Oxide Antennas – ​By Mark Steele ~ This needs to go out to all who have been jabbed They need to start making those criminal complainst ~ Barrie Trower & Mark Steele on 5G (+8dB) ~ Electromagnetic pulse causes man’s death ~ Microtechnology in Pfizer’s vaccine ~ Complex Microtechnology in Pfizer vaccine vial ~ Facial recognition and direct energy weapons: Gearing up to take out the vaxxinated

Stop saying that you had it, stop saying you know someone who had it ~ Amandha Vollmer

VAERS analysis reveals irrefutable data showing criminal collusion between vaccine companies

Do not take the COVID-19 test! Dr. Lorraine Day cites Confirms swab test concerns

Bioweapon nanocensors: Dr. Ariyana Love exposes horrific ingredients in clot shot

Bioweapon genie: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny warn humanity about killer inoculations

Vax induced mass death: Funeral Director predicts COVID camps and jab genocide

The Number of Athlete Collapses/Deaths Following Vaccination Is Shocking

Ex-Merck rep Brandy Vaughan exposes the dark side of pHARMa — WAVE 2016 ~ Remembering Brandy Vaughan, one of the many vaccine whistleblowers who met sudden death aged just 47

Ep 91: The Dangers of 5G Radiation with Weapons Analyst Mark Steele | The Courtenay Turner Podcast

Gangstalker Wars: Security Industry Specialist Tells All ~ Gangstalker Wars: Details of Social Engineering Program Exposed

Oversight needed, US Federal Law Enforcement, disposition matrix, gov. harassment and asset seizure ~ George Webb – Investigative Journalist (AximoBot) ~ George Webb – Investigative Journalist

AGENDA-666 ~ WHAT-IS-COMMUNISM ~ Brighteon { covid-19 foreign-military-occupation } ~ Source: WORM

Technological parasitism: Electromagnetic-based wireless nano-sensor network ~ MAC-cinated: Intra-body nano-network ~ “Waves” are created with non-ionizing radiation

Dr. Andreas Noack – Recently deceased, explains the Graphene component in the vaccine (RIP)

The COVID-19 genocide of 2020 – Claire Edwards (v0) ~ BitChute search { claire edwards falconscafe Newest First }

The more science we can throw at these demonic forces the better – Share this far and wide

The cult are telling you they are murdering you in their concentration camps (hospitals)

They are killing people with this bio chemical weapon – Its all in the science – Why the cover up

Sitzung 60: Die Zeit ist kein flacher Kreis; Excerpt: Dr. David Martin & lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

A million in motion | The month the tide turned | London May 2021 Oracle Films

Urgent announcement ! From The Fifth Column (Graphene attack by globalists) ~ Google { graphene }

AV10 : Mark Steele : Stop 5G crime – Let justice be done though the heavens fall

WAW 24 180421 5G plan to exterminate humanity failed thanks to Wikileaks, victims & whistleblowers

Let justice be done though the heavens fall – Support the resistance:

TRWS had the chance to go to Newcastle to speak to Mark Steele all about 5G ~ The Really Woke Show

Session 72: The coolant is boiling ~ Corona Investigative Committee, 1st October 2021

Genocide numbers climbing all the time – Keep doing as your told and you will not survive this crime

5G LED crime call out to all good people across the world – Wake up – Justice is coming

VAERS Covid Vax Records

Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine victim, 13th January 2021

Tiffany Pontes Dover faints in 17 mins, dead in 10 hours [2020-12-24] (Video)

COVID-19 Moderna vaccine victim, 7th January 2021 (Use full screen to read)

Registered Nurse in Nashville Tennessee COVID-19 vaccine victim

Dødsfall hos sykehjemsbeboere etter koronavaksinering

HSE NHPET Ireland finally admit that a COVID-19 virus has not been scientifically proven to exist

Exposure to a 50 Hz electromagnetic field induces activation of the Epstein-Barr virus genome in latently infected human lymhoid cells

Evaluation of the 900 MHz Radiofrequency Radiation Effects on the Antimicrobial Susceptibility and Growth Rate of Klebsiella pneumoniae

Google { “has not been evaluated for the potential to cause carcinogenicity or genotoxicity” , “has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential” }

New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro- and Nanocontamination

Vaccine Test Results. First results of vaccine investigations

BBC dangerous organization

BBC are a dangerous organization

BBC interview of Mark Steele – Fail in their fake BBC narrative on 5G corona

Kate Shemirani arrested

Mark Steele informs police of 5G in Glasgow Green & COVID-19 The Musical

Voice for Victoria – Dave Oneegs check in & Queensland showing incredible support !

Mark Steele @ StandUpX Sheffield 5th September 2020 & Setting Sheffield police straight

Kate Shemirani and Kevin Corbett outside Downing Street 5th September 2020 (Audio normalized) 1 of 2

How the police bully and harass Kate Shemirani in London & Unlawfully arrested, physically assaulted

Do not send your children back to school, schools are no longer a safe place for children

Schools returning in September with Mark Steele and Lee Garrett, 13th August 2020

As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK.

COVID-19 dictator coup attempt in and via Victoria Australia August 2020

5G step to genocide – Know their plan Know their weakness (Enhanced)

COVID Test is the Virus – Airlines Calling for Passenger COVID Testing – Primer Sequence: CTCCCTTTGTTGTGTTGT – “Positive” Result in All Human Beings – Practice Self-Exceptionalism to Get Over This Insanity – Globalist COVID Massive Failure (Exit Strategy Coming) – DO NOT CONSENT

If law exists Daniel Andrews and Victoria Police must face charges

Report #191|NewsPanel China:CCP Genocide of Uyghurs, Falun Gong: Dr. Tohti, Dr. Sidick, Mitch Gerber

Joe Imbriano – Mystery illness in schools – The war on children, oxygen – Coming attack in schools

Mark Steele offers his latest views of the intensifying threat of EMFs in the form of 5G

Lena Pu talks to Health Australia Party 30th July 2020

Intelligence: Youtube { david hawkins jason goodman last uploads } &

5G Genocide Liability Notice – Updated June 2020

The real plan with the new cell towers

Martial Arts and Peoples Council for the Protection of Children against government child abuse

Dr Bodo Schiffmann reports that a third child has just died in Germany due to masks

Breaking: Aboriginals hunted by military, kids jabbed by force – Disturbing video

Leuren Moret – Mind control from HAARP, smart-dust, satellites, TV, mobiles etc

Iron Mountain – Blueprint for tyranny

Insider Exposes Freemasonry as the World’s Oldest Secret Religion and the Luciferian Plans for The New World Order

Deception on a global scale coming to kill you – Wake up time is running out

Oversight needed, US Federal Law Enforcement, disposition matrix, gov. harassment and asset seizure ~ Blackb3rry Clu3s on Brighteon

Cancer industry not looking for a cure; they’re too busy making money

Newsbreak 72: David Noakes unlawfully arrested: Whistleblower update w/ Chaudhari, John Smith

21 May 2020: GcMAF genius, David Noakes, kidnapped, held hostage in Exeter Prison feared missing

David Noakes on the history of the EU Awake & Aware holidays

Newsbreak 37: David Noakes Addresses the Falsehoods Published by the MHRA

“GcMAF CURES CANCER – Let’s get it in our hospitals now!” deleted but in archive org:

Persecution by the socio psychopathic corporatist state

Check domains &

Switzerland founded French Foreign Legion for Swiss Mercenaries & the King`s Killers became Police

The swisslamic state killers use oxygen deprivation torture for brain hypoxia

Swiss torture detention center Amthaus Bern in nazi Switzerland

Code O2T Torture: Lifting out the soul for a satanic ritual in a sacrifice to a pharaonic deity

Code O2T Torture – Folter

Skeptic society is part of Fabian society and their secret agenda, Karl Marx’s communist manifesto

User Justinian Deception videos &

Creation of the Birth Certificate Trust

Edward Mandell House

Google { legal name fraud , 1998 crown copyright in the information age }

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