What is a Doctor? Decades ago, doctors were truth tellers often freely helping folks. Doctors today have a financial interest in keeping patients ill and drugs are the solution. A sick patient is a great revenue stream. A healed patient is a financial loss.
Today, the disturbing agenda behind the Medical Mutilation, Pharmaceutical Industry and the tragic impact of the mislabeled “gender-affirming care” on vulnerable children along with close to 100 newborn vaccines throughout youth. As Rockefeller shared years ago; never produce thinkers, only workers and the 12 year indoctrination system has done a magnificent job of full-filling this agenda. A compliant, obedient, dumbed down individual is the end goal. The state of the nation is an exceptional example.
This powerful film was made by doctors who refuse to be silent as the lives of countless children and their families are destroyed. AFLDS is blowing the whistle on rogue doctors who have forsaken their oath to “do no harm” and we are calling on the American people to help us share this film across the country! Don’t be seduced by the next plandemic. Like bills forever flowing, so are vaccines. Beware!
Dr. Simone M Gold is an American doctor, J.D. Lawyer and anti vaccine activist. She is the founder of America’s Frontline Doctors, a political organization known for Loudly Speaking Truth about the CV19™ plandemic, speaking in front of the United States Capital. She promoted the benefits of hydroxychloroquine which was outlawed by the medical, pharmaceutical cartel and was jailed for exposing the covid scam which was an exceptional genecide promoted worldwide.
Dr Gold is one of the few medical champions of truth, exposing the covid lies and the lifetime of damage caused by the medical, pharmaceutical cartel. Since most can’t critically think due to 12 years of indoctrination the insanity continues unabated. Mass indoctrination is a serious issue.
Being a doctor once meant being a truth teller which is no-longer the case. It’s all about the bottom line concerning the amount of money made. Welcome to the cut, burn, poison, slash for cash profession. Blood money is a trillion dollar industry.
We the People continue to allow the military to give unknown vaccines to our people causing longterm medical effects due to improper programming & indoctrination. The same agenda applies to newborns where millions are damaged annually worldwide. The vaccine industry is a trillion dollar industry…
In His Service
John 8:32