
“Biohacking Humanity”

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Anyone who studies life closely, clearly knows Scripture is real just as genecidal bioweapons, continue to actively occur, compliments of the military industrial complex, pharmaceutical vaccine industry, making trillions annually. All of life for most, embrace the bottom line. Let’s talk about Decentralized Medicine.

Far too many known & unknown rely on the cut, burn, poison, slash for cash, blood money profession, easily accepting the program.

What’s the difference between fact & fiction, “Fiction has to make sense, truth doesn’t.”

Truthers are not about doom & gloom; they are simply about the Truth. Centralization will kill you along with everything you know and love. Hello?

In the 1950’s the focus was on Polio causing millions of young children to experience tonsillectomies. All polio vaccines are laced with SV40, a cancer causing agent, as discussed in Jonas Salk’s book, “Survival Of The Wisest”.

In the early 50’s we were all forced to take the Polio vaccine causing longterm medical effects. In the late 50’s we were forced into having a tonsillectomy and who listens to a 3 year old. Children today receive around 100 vaccines along with forced indoctrination programs for 12 years and then onto the university for further mindwashing. Money becomes their god resulting in poor health until death.

The truth must be hidden for the sake of money in caring for the vaccine industry causing massive cancers resulting in heart, hip, knee & brain surgeries.

Dr. Jack Kruse discusses the history of centralization and its impact on agriculture and health. He highlights the role of the industrial-military complex in controlling science and the implications of this control on various industries. Kruse emphasizes the importance of understanding history and the need for individuals to take responsibility for their own health and well-being.

He also discusses the potential for nature to come back into agriculture in decentralizing countries like El Salvador. In this conversation, Jack Kruse discusses the issues of freedom, money laundering, and the Ponzi scheme in the United States. He highlights the missing trillions of dollars in the Pentagon and Treasury, and the connection to the industrial-military complex. Kruse explains how the retirement program and Entitlement Act have contributed to the money laundering operation.

Take a close look at how the Military Industrial Complex started and controlled the CV19™ bioweapon program with the help of Big Pharma & MSM. Never forget the Georgia Guidestones speaking the truth in 1980, but who’s paying attention?

He also discusses the role of COVID-19 in tapering the Ponzi scheme and the targeting of certain individuals. Kruse emphasizes the need for the American people to take action and reclaim their freedom. Too many run from the Truth and this must stop.

The problem of centralization and control by the industrial military complex started with General Groves and the Manhattan Project, and it continues to affect various industries today. The history of food and agriculture in the United States involves centralization and industrialization, which has had negative effects on farmers and the public.

The government and regulatory agencies, such as the FDA and USDA, have been captured by corporate interests, leading to the degradation of food quality and health. Understanding history and doing independent research is crucial to uncovering the truth and taking control of one’s health and well-being. The potential for nature to come back into agriculture exists in decentralizing countries like El Salvador, where there is abundant groundwater and opportunities for sustainable farming.

The United States is facing a loss of freedom and becoming a communist country. Trillions of dollars are missing from the Pentagon and Treasury, indicating a money laundering operation by the industrial-military complex & Americans paid it in. COVID-19 is being used to taper the Ponzi scheme and target specific individuals. The American people need to take action and dismantle the corrupt systems in place.

Few are willing to expose the lies of the industry due to ending up like Kary Mullis, creator of the PCR Test. Remember; visit the Georgia Guidestones.

Read JFK, Jr’s book on “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health” with all the documented facts, exposing the truth & Plandemic 1, 2, 3 for a clear understanding of the entire genecide…

In His Service

John 8:32

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