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Land Patents & Your Unalienable Rights

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An information packed conversation with Ron Gibson and Christo Hart, from Americans In Action, on the empowering and essential topic of allodial title, land patents, and how to own your home ‘as King’..and owing to no one. Ron Gibson is a true lover of God and has been in service to man/womankind for over 30 years with the land patent process and exposing the truth. In this talk, Ron provides the fundamentals of what these terms mean, along with case examples. Ron has been assisting Americans to learn and apply these essential concepts in land ownership, that are granted by God, and how they were unlawfully taken away. And just like a weed garden growing over a bed of rich soil, you can strip away the weed growth and reveal the richness and forever foundation that lies dormant underneath and we see it has never gone away.
Join Ron online at and sign up for his essential online seminars on Land Patents.

God Bless America

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