
Get Busy Living Joe Tippens Cancer Story

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Attitude is Everything has always been my mantra.  It seems that the more troublesome an event or challenge I’ve faced, my natural defense mechanism (that I attribute to my parents, siblings and friends) is to use positive thinking as the kick starter and humor as the mechanism to power through the adversity.

I found out I had small cell lung cancer two days before I was about to move to Zurich Switzerland to accept an assignment as partner in a large private equity firm there.  The first two weeks were very rocky and then 180 degrees to the positive and the two ends of the spectrum are important to understand.

I will not name names to protect the guilty, but I initially had the biopsy done by a local medical group.  That group, in an attempt to keep the business local, delayed telling me the results for one whole week so that I could meet with their cancer specialists.  When I did meet with their specialist (and when I found out I had small cell lung cancer) the bedside manner, outlook and demeanor could not have been more negative.  It was basically “what you have can’t be cured”.

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