At the age of 3 I received 2 vaccines which I protested against and at the age of 8 I painfully received a tonsillectomy which was totally unnecessary, which I knew. Living the life of a truth warrior has its benefits, but it cost so never be afraid to make waves. The vaccine industry with […]
Month: September 2024
“Make America Healthy Again”
The greatest crime of the Medical Industrial Complex is their sole purpose is to cut, burn & poison all patients. Slash for cash! All doctors are taught/programed to prescribe, inject or cut patients with total disregard for one’s health. Doctor’s cannot critically think beyond the box they have been programmed in. If doctors were taught […]
“The Destruction Of Health Care”
‘Patient dumping’ by hospitals is a feature of the US Healthcare System. Our in-laws have done this to their own Mother by taking her Trust Funds, saving it for themselves, including her life insurance. They said they were saving her money for an emergency, yet she has ample insurance including nursing home care where she […]
“Why I Do Not Vote”
Having never registered to vote, many have referred to me as a communist and yet what are we voting for? When anyone registers to vote one gives up two of their rights while admitting they are in fact a US corporation. We desperately need the Dejure system operating in God’s Law, not a Defacto system […]
“The Target Is You”
The politics of compliance is skillfully used by the slavesmithers of the world elite. The covid play has been carefully crafted through the art of fear leading to the maskitis disease and the 6′ rule all for this controlled genecide resulting in long term medical effects. The loss of pay, job, freedom, responsibility has been […]
“They Live”
Has our Government become the evil empire? Have we abandoned our belief in God? We are living in a world moving towards totalitarianism and transhumanism. The Evil Empire. Dr. Robert Young returns to SGT Report to discuss RFK, Jr., Trump and cacklin’ Kamala as well as the greatest documented crime in the history of mankind […]
“The Stuff Of Nightmares”
The majority of Americans have worked hard all their lives, paid their fair share and now stand, facing the loss of all they’ve worked for due to their ignorance of reality. Our Father God is judging this nation and the masses are about to get a spanking through a rude awakening. Jim Houck has 29 […]
“No Nursing Home For Me”
Far too many family members have lived out their last days in a nursing homes and upon leaving, listening to their cry which was heart breaking, Lord willing, a different course will be taken if America still exist and the genocide has been unsuccessful. With 74 new variants it may be hard to imagine concerning […]
“The Game Of Pharma”
Tucker Carlson and Bret Weinstein discuss Big Pharma and the World Health Organization’s dark agenda. John 8:32
“Steps To Heal”
“Cancer! Truth, Lies, and Steps to Naturally Heal” featuring Dr. Diana Wright, ND. Dr. Ardis is joined by Dr. Diana Wright, a naturopathic doctor who specializes in helping patients naturally heal and extend their lives after a cancer diagnosis. Dr. Wright shares her personal experience with cancer, including how she was misdiagnosed 47 times before […]