
“The Destruction Of Health Care”

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‘Patient dumping’ by hospitals is a feature of the US Healthcare System. Our in-laws have done this to their own Mother by taking her Trust Funds, saving it for themselves, including her life insurance. They said they were saving her money for an emergency, yet she has ample insurance including nursing home care where she does not wish to go into because her one daughter waits on her hand & foot, 24/7 now into the 4th year.

They have not visited their Mom in over 3 years with the exception of one son married to a man. They do not call, write or send her birthday, Christmas or Thanksgiving cards. Imagine that! They are all about profit extraction with total disregard for their Mother or the family caring for her. When we agreed to care for her we were promised a handicap bedroom & bath from the sale of her home occurring over two years ago. Not the first penny has been given for her accommodations regarding her Trust Funds which they fully control.

Death Care

Several years back while visiting with my brother in law, a neurosurgeon, he shared; how many doctors are extremely incompetent. This was no surprise to me since many family members had voluntarily taken the CV19™ injection, a known bioweapon given by bioweaponeers for genocidal profit, producing billions.

Millions/billions, have fallen for this genecide and when entering the hospital, my own mother in law was put on Intervenes Remdesivir, which almost killed her. This was advised by her daughter and son who have know idea of the damage caused. Once home she would get up 20+ times a night crying for help for weeks.

Our family has cared for my mother in law without any help from her Trust Funds, which my in-laws have taken stating by one sister; it is our inheritance and we’re not about to loose the second since the oldest brother lost a $10 million dollar estate including her home-place. When my mother in law complained; he suggested she get a job at McDonalds. When I met my wife, they were living in a RV parked in front of their mother’s little house, in the driveway.

For the past year they have hired two lawyers to keep her money simply awaiting her death since they have not visited where she lives for over 3 years. They only care about her money and making sure they keep it. The sister, a psychologist, stated, she would be damned if she would allow any funds to improve our tiny cabin. We were promised years ago a bedroom & bath for Mom since our cabin is small for a family of seven. Mom’s money is far more important to her children than her life or our caregiving family.

They live in a $3 million dollar home with a recently renovated pool at a cost of $600 thousand, which my sister in law shared. Imagine the greed where our mother-in-law’s money is worth more than her life so the law suit continues which my sister in law started by hiring 2 lawyers in an effort to take back her POA along with part of her monthly income. Their greed is astounding.

When a family seizes all the parents money for themselves and then sues Mom and her family for caring for parent, this exhibits unchartable greed.

The only contact we’ve had with the family who has taken Mom’s money is through their lawyers. How sad, and they own and operate one of the largest financial planning groups in America. Their mission statement says they always put clients first but not their own Mother. This is not uncommon concerning parents money and children…

The Destruction Of Health Care – Veteran filmmaker John Pilger takes us through a history of threats to Britain’s National Health Service ,from its 1948 founding by Labor through a privatizing push by Margaret Thatcher’s bureaucrats, to challenges by new Conservatives.

Britain’s National Health Service, the NHS, was the world’s first universal public health service. Designed to give millions of people “freedom from fear” following World War II, the NHS today is under threat of being sold off and converted to a free market model inspired by America’s disastrous health insurance system, which results in the unnecessary death every year of an estimated 45,000 people. Filmed in Britain and the United States just prior to the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, this timely and compelling documentary by BAFTA and Emmy award-winning journalist John Pilger reveals what may be the last battle to preserve the most fundamental human right of all.

“This program should scare you if you believe in the idea of free heath care at the point of delivery paid for out of general taxation.

Pilger sets out the case that the NHS is being sold off and prepared for further selling off very well. He points out that under the current levels of privatisation/marketisation the proportion of the NHS budget that’s spent on administration has risen from 4-5% in the early-mid 1970s to 20% today. Further privatisation would only increase that proportion.

The section on the US system is good and is highly relevant because of a political desire on the part of the Right to introduce a ‘US-type’ mixed system dominated by insurance companies and because the US health care providers are eying up the NHS as a source of profit, as something into which to expand it operations. The NHS, of course, is probably the most inefficient and ineffective and most expensive health care system in the world. Not a good model to aspire to, as Pilger points out.

Social care is the third area that’s pointed to, something that’s suffered as a direct result of the political ideology of ‘Austerity’ and the cuts both the the NHS and also (something Pilger failed to point out) local authority budgets.

The policy to privatize the NHS has its roots in the Institute for Economic Affairs, a right-wing think tank much beloved by Keith Joseph and Margaret Thatcher which promoted the belief that all thing wrong with the world could be solved by allowing the free market to run rampant, something that has been disproved time and again over many years.

The program is an excellent example of the documentary. I can vouch for its veracity because I taught public policy and the welfare state (including the NHS) at degree level during the period in which the privatisation agenda was being rolled out. Its power can be judged from the fact that it was banned in the UK in the run-up to the 2019 general election.

VAXXED III: Authorized to Kill & Life in the thrill kill medical cult.

Children’s Health Defense embarked on a nine-month journey across America, gathering powerful testimonies from the people. Our interviews ranged from mothers and fathers to teenagers, families, medical professionals, whistleblowers, lawyers, and people from all walks of life.

What we discovered was nothing short of staggering. We listened to harrowing accounts of COVID hospital protocols that shook us to our very core. The consistency of these stories was alarming.

People also shared their experiences after taking the COVID-19 vaccine, revealing tragic outcomes of either death or serious injury. Now, fueled by these powerful firsthand testimonies, we are creating a documentary by the people, for the people.

Useless & Clueless

I’d encourage you to watch and to show it to anyone else who cares for the idea that people matter more than profit.” Our in-laws could care less because greed abounds with total disregard for their own Mother. The taking of her money far outweighs the concern for her life.

Terrified & Scared

Don’t be like my in laws placing money over their Mother’s life because this is guaranteed to carry eternal consequences…

Wake up Debby?

Never be caught placing a Mother’s money over her life because greed and suffering will result in your life. It is the curse spoken of in Scripture. Don’t live a godless life like so many today; eternity awaits in the blink of an eye…

In His Service,

John 8:32

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