The majority of Americans have worked hard all their lives, paid their fair share and now stand, facing the loss of all they’ve worked for due to their ignorance of reality. Our Father God is judging this nation and the masses are about to get a spanking through a rude awakening.
Jim Houck has 29 years in law enforcement under his belt and he’s extremely dialed in to what’s really going on with the invasion of the US border and it’s far, far darker and more evil than the normes are being told. Houck and Dr. Lee Vliet join me to discuss the stuff of absolute nightmares, and if Kamala Harris stays in the White House for another 4 years, The United States of America will be doomed. The CV19™ vaxxed operate placing fear over faith and daily are reaping the consequences. CV was a test to see how many would comply with their own demise.
These days, if you want to know the truth one has to search for it. It is cleverly hiding in plain sight.
Fear is the tool used to destroy all just as CV19™ was simply the prelude to the mark of the beast spoken of in Revelation and few real men are willing to take a stand as we’re being staged to loose our nation. Why are real man allowing this insanity? Where are the real American men? What has happened to our constitutional republic and who cares anymore?
Maybe it’s time to start paying close attention…
John 8:32