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Dr. Carrie Madej is an Internal Medicine Specialist in Georgia with 19 years in practice. She’s concerned about the transhumanist agenda behind the push for the COVID vaccine and the biological, legal and spiritual ramifications of all of it.

Dr. Carrie Madej is an Internal Medicine Specialist in Georgia with 19 years in practice. She’s concerned about the transhumanist agenda behind the push for the COVID vaccine and the biological, legal and spiritual ramifications of all of it.

As an example, she describes how the Moderna RNA vaccine would be administered and how it’s supposed to work. It uses a “microneedle platform” developed at MIT, which looks like a band-aid and could be shipped directly to your home via Amazon or by whomever and be self-administered, which is great as far as solving the logistics of vaccinating 350 million Americans or 7.8 billion Earth humans.

These microneedles will be loaded with a hydrogel containing the vaccine, which contains a modified RNA that Dr. Madej is concerned could become a permanent part of your genome.

Dr. Carrie Madej is an Internal Medicine Specialist in Georgia with 19 years in practice. She’s concerned about the transhumanist agenda behind the push for the COVID vaccine and the biological, legal and spiritual ramifications of all of it.

As an example, she describes how the Moderna RNA vaccine would be administered and how it’s supposed to work. It uses a “microneedle platform” developed at MIT, which looks like a band-aid and could be shipped directly to your home via Amazon or by whomever and be self-administered, which is great as far as solving the logistics of vaccinating 350 million Americans or 7.8 billion Earth humans.

These microneedles will be loaded with a hydrogel containing the vaccine, which contains a modified RNA that Dr. Madej is concerned could become a permanent part of your genome.

“This is a synthetic piece of DNA or RNA…if you look at the Supreme Court Justice ruling on synthetic DNA or genes, it can be patented and patents have owners. So, what does that mean for us? What if this gets into our genome? Does that mean Moderna or the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation or the Department of Defense – all of these people who are involved in the patents – are they somehow going to own part of our genome? It’s a possibility. You need to know that.”

The hydrogel would also contain the luciferase enzyme, which is bioluminescent and is used to report the transcriptional activity in cells that are transfected with a genetic construct. Why do they need that?

She says, “They want to make sure that you’re vaccinated. They don’t trust medical records. They don’t trust you saying that you got vaccinated. They want to make sure and they want to make sure it was a successful transfection, a successful gene modification.

“So, when you get the luciferase enzyme, if you have an iPhone or special app on the iPhone, you can scan over that area and it will give a digital code, a digital imprint, a digital pattern. Something that will identify that you were vaccinated. It holds your vaccination record. It also gives you an ID a number, a bar code, a branding whatever you want to call it, a tattoo. It’s all the same thing. You now become like a product…

“Hydrogel is actually an invention from DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency…they make these fantastic inventions…

“Hydrogel is nanotechnology; microscopic little robots and these little robots actually – I know it sounds crazy, it’s still crazy to me but it’s possible – they can disassemble, reassemble, assemble into and make different things…

“It has the ability to connect with Artificial Intelligence, so this means that a human can now connect to directly and gather information from our bodies and gather it and connect with your smartphone, with the cloud with some other smart device and once this is done, this is 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year – think about that.

“Think about how immediately that could change our privacy; immediately can change our autonomy, immediately change our freedoms. This can gather data, like your blood sugar, your oxygen, your blood pressure.

“Okay, those sound great but it also can gather many other things. It can gather, they say, your emotions, or your menstrual cycle, your activity if you’ve fallen, your nutrients in your body; if you took medicines, it’s a potential to see if you took illicit drugs.

“It’s got a potential to see almost anything that goes on in your body and all of this information is going where? That has not been addressed. Who’s protecting this information? What are they using it for? This is really serious stuff, Guys! This is all being proposed to be unveiled in the next vaccine.

“The other thing to know is, with this nanotechnology-hydrogel-artificial-intelligence hookup, just like your cell phone, you can send a text message, you can send an email but also you can receive them back so that means we could receive information.

“What information would be coming back into us? Would it affect our mood? Our behavior? Would it affect how we how we think or our memories? If you haven’t watched the movie, Matrix, I think you should. I think there’s some truth in that movie.

“I see so many wrong things with this vaccine and I see that we are not talking about it in the major media and I see that I feel that these companies are outright lying to us when they say they cannot affect our DNA – because, by all definitions that they are using – this can affect our DNA.”

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