
“The Mandatory Injection”

Home » China » “The Mandatory Injection”

It is clearly up to the Pureblood to find a remedy to this vile injection causing millions of deaths and damaged family members worldwide. This bioweapon has been produced & distributed by the United States. For those that can still critically think, please pay close attention and stop buying the lies of MSM and Social Media. The bioweaponeers have contempt and loth humanity.

U.S. Gov. Is Coordinating A Depopulation Program Against The World which has been planned for decades. In fact, we were told about this in 1980 with the construction of the Georgia Guidestones. Few pay attention much less read like most, who have been carefully programed, according to the hive mentality and the fear factor.

The Planned Genocide

The vaxxed will die from covid including any issue, the great fear driven, mandated, mystery virus, that does not exist and has never been identified or isolated. Welcome to the world of covid flu and the greatest way to kill people while making money.

Lying To Congress

Welcome to the world of biological warfare & weaponized medicine and the well schooled noncritical thinkers. Black budget programs actively exist today funded by U.S. Corporations. Corporatocracy rules the day…

John 8:32

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