Blackrock CEO speaking at the WEF, talks about shrinking the labor population in favor of robotics while transforming society, thus substituting humans for machines. Daily we meet and speak with those anxious for the next injection as new (74) bioweapons are being prepped and rolled out in the excellent execution of the current genecide. Beware of Blackrock, Vanguard & State Street currently controlling America.
Note, the globalist are enjoying the current depopulation through vaccines, fires, drought, bad food, water & air quality wiping out people in advance for transhumanism sweeping in with geoengineering. The masses are easily led by MSM killing those believing in Big Pharma, the Medical Cartel & Government thus destroying families and culture.
Far too many are precipitating in this insanity. Those listening to the government are already dead so why not take the next injection in line with authority. Just say no and consider the opposite or remain a vaccine zombie. Killing oneself is voluntarily suicide in transhumanism.
Have you or your child experienced gender affirming surgery in support of destroying humanity? The government is making it so easy to be injected. Don’t follow authority, just maintain the presence of mind.
In other words, critically think which is never easy for most. Obedience to government authority is a death wish so do the opposite. That’s the insanity of society today as we see good folks still wearing mask alone in their cars. These folks are unreachable.
It’s easy to be hard to kill but it’s hard to convince people they want to be killed. Obedience to government is death. Check out the new 15 minute cities known as open air prison camps under development. It will be epic as the mind-washed comply. Only the insane volunteer for these injections and their is nothing we can do to stop it as the suicide cult marches onward. We can share knowledge yet we can’t make them think. If you’re gullible, you will die.
We all came to die just as those with vision and purpose are on a mission for our Abba Father in service to Him through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
Never buy the official narrative. Critically Think!
If you ever decide to get rid of someone don’t call a hitman, call a pharmacist, they are cheaper and more untraceable. In the old days they were called “poisoners”, professionals who killed for hire!
If I wanted to start a big fire, this is what I’d use. Just saying!
Destruction is imminent so never forget, Americans along with all people groups, are a liability to the Globalist. This genecide must continue according to the Georgia Guidestones which was clearly stated back in 1980, down in south Georgia…
In His Service
John 8:32