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“God’s Outlaw”

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A true story, God’s Outlaw is about international politics, church intrigue, cold-blooded betrayal, and false justice ending in a criminal’s death. But it’s also about victorious faith and spiritual triumph over some of the greatest political and religious forces known in the 16th century and today.

A simple, God-seeking man, William Tyndale, somehow became one of the most wanted men in England and all of Europe. Pursued by King Henry VIII, Lord Chancellor Sir Thomas More, and the Pope’s personal legate Cardinal Wolsey, Tyndale darted across Europe to avoid capture — always pushing to complete the task that obsessed him.

The life and works of 19th-century circuit rider Robert S. Sheffey. Amazing quality for a movie made in 1977 by a Christian college. We were very impressed and this movie speaks loudly speaks truth. Christians in America must awaken and see what’s happening while we still can and get serious with God and about God. If you haven’t watched this very special movie, we highly recommend it.

The dramatic black and white classic film of Martin Luther’s life made in the 1950’s. This film was originally released in theaters worldwide and nominated for an Academy Award. A magnificent depiction of Luther and the forces at work in the surrounding society that resulted in his historic reforming efforts. This film traces Martin Luther’s life from a guilt-burdened monk to his eventual break with the Roman Church. This film, in spite of its age, continues to be a popular resource to introduce Martin Luther’s life.

The great drama of Martin Luther’s life comes alive in this vivid portrayal of the penniless monk’s quest for truth—a quest that would re-shape the church, and the world. Martin Luther triggered a seismic upheaval that rocked the western world in the 1500s—with an impact that continues to reverberate to this day.

The great drama of Martin Luther’s life comes alive in this vivid portrayal of the penniless monk’s quest for truth—a quest that would re-shape the church, and the world. Perhaps the most faithful movie about Luther’s life ever made, the film does not shy away from the deep theological questions—and answers—that mark Luther as one of the most influential people of the last thousand years.

In His Awesome Service…

John 8:32

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