
“First! Do No Pharm”

Home » China » “First! Do No Pharm”

This is film isn’t just an exposé – it’s a call to arms.
It will provide you with the knowledge and tools to fight back against a system that values profits over patients.
We’ll show you how to navigate this treacherous landscape, how to protect yourself and your loved ones from the excesses of an industry gone mad.

First! Do No Pharm: This film isn’t just an exposé – it’s a call to arms. It will provide you with the knowledge and tools to fight back against a system that values profits over patients. We’ll show you how to navigate this treacherous landscape, how to protect yourself and your loved ones from the excesses of an industry gone mad & insane.

Do No Harm

Like my inlaws who have taken their Mom’s Trust Funds, stating it’s their inheritance and they refuse to loose it for the second time since big brother, a doctor, lost a very large estate upon the death of their father. After putting their Mom on Remdisiver for days they almost succeeded at destroying her kidneys. There has been no communication in our 4 years of caring for her.

Sadly, I’ve heard the same story from so many so called families where money is far more important than a parents life. Eternity awaits…

In His Service

John 8:32

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