Your financial freedom is within reach so claim the credit that is rightfully yours. Before you begin you must inner-stand the events of the past, who you really are, and the language needed to defend and reclaim your sovereign status.
The New World Order is coming for you my Friend and you may want to prepare educationally because your identity was stolen at birth. Meet Your Cestui Que Vie Trust and learn where The Money Comes From. The Bar Association and Incorporated De Facto World Governments control you.
At the end of March 2022, our Creator and Heavenly Father had a greater purpose for the two of us than we ever expected. A seed was planted, we took a leap of faith, and a movement was born! Since that day we have a “We The People” movement that this world has never seen before toward freedom and “The Great Awakening”! This movement is not about “us” it is all about “we” and we are honored that you have come alongside all of us to become a family in the movement toward light and freedom!
Drew comes to you with 18 years of Physical Therapy experience and 2 years of Real Estate experience. Tara is a jack of all trades and because of that comes to you with 8 years of banking experience, (5 in consumer and mortgage lending), 4 years of medical experience, 10 years of insurance experience (owning an agency, sales to dealerships on financial products, etc.), 2 1/2 years of legal experience (MSP with staffing agencies), 15 years of marketing experience (internet marketing, branding, SEO, social media marketing, etc.) and 4 years of Real Estate experience.
Have you ever wondered why your name is capitalized on every government issued ID, financial statement or utility bill? The de facto governments under Maritime Law are identifying you as one of their corporate agents or employees, not a living man or woman born on the Land and Soil Jurisdiction.
The moment your birth certificate was registered it was also bonded for $1,000,000. An equal value in US Treasury Bonds were issued and sold on the stock exchange where it continues to grow. You are the beneficiary of this trust.
“Motor vehicle”, “license”, “register”, “person”, “understand”: these are just a few of the words they have created with their own hidden meanings to deceive us. Under Common Law a corporation cannot contract with a living man or woman, so they trick us into believing they are the higher authority when it is We The People of the world who are the higher authority. But for the de facto to claim this power we must give our consent, and this is what we unknowingly have done every time we obtain a driver’s or marriage license, register a car, refer to ourselves as “persons”, or acknowledge that we “understand”.
So before you embark on this new journey you must learn and inner-stand this language so as to not only avoid their trap but to turn the tables and reclaim your God given Sovereign birthright.