
“Carolina Lithium Connection”

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Learn the Truth and live the Truth by sharing the Truth to our Father’s Glory. Too many live a self serving life void of all critical thinking or concern for the future of our children or our nation. This is not business as usual and eternity is just around the corner for all…

Are we Citizens or subjects? Citizens have a voice and play an active role in self government. Subjects have no voice nor are they allowed to play a role in their government whatsoever, they do as they are told. Have we, as once free citizens, allowed tyrants to steal our rights of citizenship by not guarding &  exercising them?

Have we voted our way into a communistic dictatorship? To not speak is to speak, to not act is to act! Freedoms are like muscles, use them or lose them. Have we become political cripples, social paraplegics, by ignoring evil when we see it? Do we know? Do we care? What will history say about us? Will our children and grandchildren count us as heroes or weak and selfish fools? 

North Carolina Land Grab

Far too many have accepted the CV19™ bioweapon from the weaponeers without question. Are you aware of the Military Industrial Complex? Kary Mullis, from Lenoir, NC, the inventor of the PCR test, died at the young age of 74 after exposing the fact that the test was useless and just about anything could be proven or disproven with it. In fact, it was two months after he publicly made the statement, his life ended.

A Carefully Planned Event
Citizens are free to say what they think. Subjects aren’t.

Sadly, the question of whether we are citizens or subjects has become politically controversial in our country. A clear sign of this is the attempt to suppress the expression of obvious truths, such as the fact that boys cannot become girls.

Another sign that many of our leaders consider us subjects is their denial of our right to decide who is allowed to enter our country—indeed, they tell us that if we complain about mass illegal immigration, we are racists. 

This is a pivotal time in our nation’s history—a time when we must stand up and forthrightly demand to be treated as citizens, not subjects. Because freedom hangs in the balance.

A poisonous ideology has infected almost every major American institution. Only a few still stand in defense of freedom and the right of self-government.

One of the most important of these is Hillsdale College. And today, my friends at Hillsdale need your partnership and support in their mission to preserve the blessings of civil and religious liberty through education.

For 180 years, Hillsdale has offered its students the kind of education America’s founders thought necessary to sustain free government. And in recent decades, Hillsdale has extended its teaching mission nationwide with a vast national outreach effort.

This outreach effort includes its free publication Imprimis, its free online courses, and its tireless work to return excellence—including excellent civics instruction—to American K-12 education.

And Hillsdale College does all of this while refusing to accept one penny of government funding—not even indirectly through federal or state student grants and loans.

That’s why I ask you to take the time to view their video The Electoral College Explained below and join Hillsdale in defending freedom and the American way of life.

Sincerely,Tucker Carlson
Lies Abound
Know The Truth

Like those supporting Marxism, which America is rapidly becoming, what shall we do? It’s up to every critical thinking man, woman & child to awaken, take a stand and speak loudly…

John 8:32

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