
“Are You Ready”

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For over 40 years in full time ministry, against all narratives and odds, the well meaning have been warned, concerning the naive, voluntary, willing, acceptance of vaccines from cradle to grave.

In 2014, Obama knew & informed the world that in exactly 5 years a worldwide Plandemic would occur, like the world had never seen, suddenly devastating the entire world. Vaccines would be mandatory, torturing & killing billions. Visit the Georgia Guidestones erected in 1980 and recently destroyed.

At birth, our Abba Father gave us an extremely healthy body, with a brilliant immune system and through fearful propaganda, we allow the gene altering Bio-weaponized injections, for a variety of reasons, often costing our very lives along with those we love. The vaxxed suffer long term medical effects until death.

Propaganda refers to information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread to influence people’s opinions or actions in favor of a particular cause, often by presenting only one side of an argument and using persuasive techniques, which may or may not be truthful; essentially, it’s a form of biased communication aimed at manipulating public opinion.

Isn’t it interesting that Bam Bam knew about the plandemic 5 years prior the event. Those unaware and led by junk science coupled with fear were the ultimate victims with 74 new variant’s on the horizon. The woke, vaxxed, libtard simply has zero critical ability to think trusting in fear & the woke professional. So very few pay attention.

The cut, burn, poison enterprise is summonsed for a slash for cash encounter. It’s all about blood money as the youth are lobotomized suffering around 100 vaccines. Coupled with school, all critical creative thinking is destroyed creating a compliant, complacent society.

In US news and current events today, former President Obama predicted the need for quick pandemic response in 2014. Obama called for more pandemic preparedness following the ebola epidemic in West Africa. Obama also stressed the importance of preparedness in a 2005 New York Times op-ed as a freshman U.S. senator. Watch Obama warn about pandemics in this clip. The Trump administration is under intense backlash for failing to properly prepare for the coronavirus pandemic.

Around 70 years ago I opposed a polo vaccine and no one listens to a 3 year old. At 8 years of age, I received a Tonsillectomy, which was big business in the 50’s. Jonas Sulk was a eugenist in the 50’s, lacing his vaccine with SV40 causing cancer. His book, “Survival Of The Wisest”, says it all. Gates, Fauci, Soros & Claus Schwab are all cut from the same cloth and they are making billions, killing millions.

“Be Prepared” because eternity is eternal and it’s all about a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, employing His Wisdom, led of His Holy Spirit in accord with His written Word void of all fear. Do you know the author of FEAR?

Our Father has not given us a spirit of Fear but of power, love & a sound mind…

In His Service

John 8:32

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