Reiner Fuellmich is a great man martyred by the German government due to the woke, libtard, vaxxed, trans, limpwristed, broke-back, useless, christians motivated by mandates of fear, confusion, void of all critical thinking.
He’s been treated with the brutality associated with Communist dictatorships and, ironically, with the Nazi regimes that originated in Germany.

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To begin with, Ginger and I want to thank Elsa Schieder, PhD for her interview with us. In it, she brilliantly told the story of attorney Reiner Fuellmich’s ongoing martyrdom by the German government. I am deeply indebted to her for inspiring me to write this introduction in defense of this great man and to honor him.1
On October 13, 2023, international attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich was apprehended at the German consulate in Tijuana, Mexico, where he was seized by Mexican officials, flown to Germany against his will, and then arrested. He has been in jail since then. Reiner was on his way to hoped-for freedom in the United States, where he is a licensed lawyer and where he owns a home. Reiner’s passport had been either lost or misplaced, causing him to arrange for a new passport at the German consulate, which then kidnapped him.
Since then, as described by Elsa Schieder, Reiner has been treated with the brutality associated with Communist dictatorships and, ironically, with the Nazi regimes that originated in Germany. He was denied a trial for many months, and now, more than one year later, he is still in a bizarrely manipulated trial. He has been denied the most ordinary rights once accepted in the West, which are now being eroded everywhere. He comes to court in shackles, and he is not permitted to speak.
It is hard to get information because these neo-Nazi globalist Germans have cut him off from the world, but according to Elsa Schieder, it appears that an entirely illegal solitary confinement continues. It has been going on for months, and when that did not break him, a madman was put in a nearby cell who shrieks and screams through much of the night.
What are Reiner Fuellmich’s alleged crimes for which he is being so brutally treated? Mass murder? Assassination attempts? Insurrection? Resurrecting the Nazi Party?
He is on trial for “breach of trust” in financial transactions involving an associate who looks to me like a government plant assigned to disrupt his work on the Corona Committee. The Corona Committee is an independent group that, under Reiner, was carrying on a lengthy investigation of COVID-19 on the model of the Nuremberg Trial investigations of Nazi war criminals. Reiner had told me personally that the courts in Europe were so intractably controlled from above that he had lost hope and was anticipating greater success in the United States.
Here is a succinct description of what’s so frightening to the authorities about Reiner Fuellmich:
Dr Reiner Fuellmich is an international trial lawyer who has successfully sued large fraudulent corporations like Volkswagen and Deutsche Bank. In 1993, he has been an attorney in Germany and was also admitted to the Bar in California in 1994.
In July 2020, he co-founded the Berlin Corona Investigative Committee, which investigated the legitimacy and global response to the COVID-19 pandemic. They have collected undeniable evidence that the COVID-19 pandemic is, in fact, a planned criminal operation. According to Dr. Fuellmich, a second Nuremberg trial may be needed to prosecute all who are complicit in this unprecedented crime against humanity.2
Reiner and I have a similar background in regard to our professional activities and histories of taking on powerful cooperations, myself in the role of a medical expert. I have written about, consulted, and testified as a medical expert in legal actions involving Eli Lilly, Johnson and Johnson, Janssen, Pfizer, Novartis, Hoffmann-La Roche and many others, often resulting in counter-attacks against me.
Reiner conducted one of the most interesting interviews in which I have been involved, with participation by Professor Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Dr. Karina Reiss, Dr. Naomi Wolf and myself. On the cutting edge, we talked about permanent brain injury from the COVID jabs causing personality changes in the population, making people less engaged with each other and with life—and more docile. Reiner was not afraid to deal with controversial issues that threatened all of humanity.
Confronting One of Reiner Fuellmich’s Worst Betrayers
On 7.28.21, I was interviewed by Reiner and simultaneously by one of his most devious current accusers, attorney Viviane Fischer, who became a mastermind behind the accusations made against him.3 It was long-distance video testimony at Reiner’s request for his Corona Committee.4 He had previously interviewed me about our book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey, and we shared an amazingly similar vision of the disaster befalling the world. Reiner asked me to present my criticism of Mattias Desmet’s concept of mass formation and Robert Malone’s closely related derivative concept of mass psychosis.
I was met with open hostility by Fischer who kept interrupting me, so that Reiner had to confront her, insisting that I be allowed to talk. She was deeply committed to Desmet and seemed to know him personally. I ventured to invite her to bring Desmet onto one of the committee hearings, along with me, to debate our differing viewpoints. It would be an unusually fair platform with Reiner supporting me and herself supporting Desmet. Of course, she never arranged it.
My Critique of Desmet, Shared by Reiner
My critique, about which I’ve written in considerable detail,5 focuses on how these concepts blame the victims of abuse by declaring the “masses” or the people themselves cause their own distress and bring totalitarianism down upon themselves by becoming spontaneously “psychotic” and vulnerable to totalitarians. Desmet writes that the “elite” are not to be blamed. Indeed, in his own critique of my criticism of him, he seemed to issue me a warning. The theory, which ridicules conspiracies, was even applied by Desmet and Malone, in separate writings, to Nazi Germany, where it most obviously does not apply.
German citizens suffered from mass formations or mass psychoses that made them rally around themselves to create, induce, or enable Hitler. Hitler grossly conspired with his political gangs and with elites in government and industry, with antisemites and predators of all kinds, to take over political control of Germany. He rearmed the nation with international funding from banks and industries. Then he controlled “the masses” with a combination of enormously powerful propaganda spouted through new radios widely distributed in homes, socialist projects, promises of economic recovery, inflaming German humiliations from the First World War, bolstering racial Aryan pride, and blaming everything bad on the Jews. Then, he overwhelmed the “masses” in his own nation and throughout Europe with the most organized, violent, and horrific attacks ever made by a dictator on his own population and all of Europe.
No, Desmet and Malone are not Hitler apologists, but their views enable powerful villains of every ilk to go unblamed while the people are led to blame themselves instead.
Ironically, it is the Germans themselves, now tools of globalism, who are among the leaders of totalitarianism on a global scale, including offering great support to the WHO and the UN in their support of “global governance.” In that process, they are putting on their puppet horror show of a trial against Reiner Fuellmich to make sure no others dare confront them as he has been doing so successfully, with incomparable courage, enormous intelligence, and great effectiveness.
Is America As Bad as Germany in Legal Attacks on Dissenters?
The attacks on Reiner are not unprecedented in America. In the United States, untold numbers of innocent people were arrested during the so-called insurrection of January 6, 2021, in Washington, DC. Many of the January Sixers are still falsely imprisoned, their rights trampled upon, and at least until recently, the government was still searching archived videos to falsely charge even more of them. Then there are the political arrests and jailings of Donald Trump’s supporters, including General Flynn, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, and Peter Navaro. And equally egregious — the worst in American history — have been the unrelenting lawfare, impeachments, and government-enabled assassination attempts against Donald Trump. All of this is driven by the global elite we call the global predators who have infiltrated our governments in a long-term strategy to bring us all under the control of what the United Nations now openly proclaims as “the global governance.”
We also should not ignore the many lesser-known victims of government abuse, including Ed Wackerman, who Elsa Schieder describes in her interview with us as a gentle, retired senior, falsely charged with setting the giant Oak Fire, who has been brutalized by the police and largely abandoned.
What’s So Dangerous about Reiner Fuellmich?
Why is there much strategic planning and hatred organized against Reiner Fuellmich? Why would the German neo-Nazis, these predatory globalists, do such extremist strategic planning on an international level to kidnap him in Mexico before he could cross the border into the United States, where he is a licensed attorney and owns his own home?
Why? Like many of us, Reiner Fuellmich has been fighting against global predators who are seeking to devour the world. More than most of us, he has been enormously successful in globalist Europe in shining a blinding light on these evil perpetrators and that has brought the wrath of the devil upon him. Now may God rescue this brave man!
Primary author Peter R. Breggin MD
1 Elsa Schieder has a Ph.D. in combined Psychology, Sociology, and Literary Studies. Her work can be found at, and
2 Dr Reiner Fuellmich | Totality of Evidence
3 Judicial Scandal in Germany: The Fuellmich Case – Truth Comes to Light
4 Dr. Peter Breggin Interviewed by International Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich –
5 Critiques of Desmet and Malone by Dr. Breggin and others can be found at: | Critiques of Malone, Desmet and Their Colleagues and for my detailed analysis of Desmet’s theory see | Article Detail
First published on on November 16, 2024
John 8:32